

05 October 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

The UMT eBIS has been labelized by the Agriculture Ministry with a renewed project

The UMT eBIS was once again labelized in 2021, joining scientists and engineers from INRAE, IDELE and ALLICE in a 5-year project to produce knowledge on the characterization of the bovine genome and genetic determinism of traits and for the develoment of selection methods and tools for this species. This UMT is hosted at the GABI laboratory at Jouy-en-Josas.
University of South Bohemia. Marc Vandeputte is the second one from the left.

05 October 2023

By: M. Vandeputte - Edition P. Huan

Marc Vandeputte, honoris causa Doctor of the University of South Bohemia

On 26 November, Marc Vandeputte (GABI, Genetics and Aquaculture team) was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of South Bohemia in the Czech Republic. Johann Verreth (Professor Emeritus at the University of Wageningen) received the same distinction on the same day.

05 October 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan - Tranlation W. Brand-Williams

Viruses of bacteria: our faithful allies against antibioresistance

Viruses are sometimes our ennemies but sometimes our friends. In the fight against pathogenic bacteria, they can be precious allies, eliminating bacteria when our medicines no longer work. But more importantly, they are not sources of new resistances to antibiotics in bacteria. This is the conclusion of a studied by scientists at INRAE, published on October 25, 2021 in the journal ISME Communications.
@INRAE Mathilde Dupont-Nivet (Truites arc-en-ciel)

05 October 2023

By: K. Paul & al. - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Between positive impact and negative consequences, the complex effects of inbreeing on the reproduction of the rainbow trout

Through the genetic improvement of the rainbow trout, the efficiency of trout production over the last thirty years has increased notably. But this selection has also contributed to an increase in inbreeding, menacing genetic progress on the long term and the adaptation of populations to a changing environment. That is why scientists from the GABI unit sought to evaluate the effects of inbreeding on the reproductive performances of the rainbow trout.
@Groupe FROGS

05 October 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

FROGS : a frog attacking fungi

Microbial ecosystems (intestinal, food, soil microbiota, ....) are continuously being recognized for their major role in many fields: amongst them, fungi frequently enter scientific debates. The new version of the FROGS software allows the precise identification of fungal communities present in the microbiota in addition to the bacterial communities identified by the previous version.

05 October 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan

From the cow to poplar tree, from bees to wheat, how does genomic selection work?

For 10 years, in dairy cattle, "classical" selection has been put aside for genomic selection. This evolution has allowed more rapid progress and a considerable reduction in the cost of selection. Since then, it has been applied to an ever increasing number of animal and plant species and has spiked interest in many others.
@ Tristan Kistler

05 October 2023

By: T. Kistler - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Polyandry or monoandry ?

What are the consequences on genetic evolution of an Apis melifera bee population undergoing selection?
GABI: Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology unit

05 October 2023

By: M. Tixier-Boichard, Edition P. Huan, translation W. Brand-Williams

The H2020 SCALA-MEDI Project Kick-off meeting was held on September 7th

The kick-off of the H2020 SCALA-MEDI project included 17 European partners for the launching of this project whose objective is the improvement of the sustainability and the quality of ovine and poultry production via the development of the adaptation potential of local breeds in the MEDIterranean area.

05 October 2023

By: INRAE Service Presse - Edition P. Huan

A sea of microplastic troubles: long-term ingestion harms growth and reproduction in fish

INRAE, Ifremer and the Universities of Bordeaux (France) and Orebrö (Sweden) have been studying the toll taken by lifelong exposure to toxic microplastics on key biological functions in fish. Two species of fish, one freshwater and the other marine, were exposed for a period of four months to different microplastics, some of which were coated with organic pollutants (spiked), while others were left unmodified (virgin). The team’s findings appear in the 5 August 2021 issue of the Journal of Hazardous Materials and reveal harmful impacts on both growth and reproduction for this extended experimental exposure period. How seriously the two core functions were affected depended on a number of variables including polymer type, presence or absence of organic pollutants, and length of exposure.
GABI: Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology unit

14 September 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Relation between intestinal microbiota composition and influenza A virus vaccination response in pigs

A study led by the Genetics, Microbiota, Health team of GABI shows that in pigs, a relation exists between the intestinal microbiota composition and the immune response to a vaccine against the influenza A virus (IAV) in pigs. The intestinal microbiota before vaccination has both high and low responders to vaccination and contains predictive information about these levels of response. A higher level of some bacteria genera was found to be associated with a better immune response to the vaccine.

05 October 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Pauline Martin explains her work on Tripl'XL experiments at the Pin Experimental Farm (61)

Evaluating health status, behavior and welfare of dairy cows at pasture is one of the objectives of this experiment that began in January 2020 on the INRAE Pin Farm in Normandy. Web-agri and INRAE have joined forces to provide a series of videos presenting the Tripl'XL programme.

05 October 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan - W Brand-Williams (translation)

H2020 GEroNIMO : designing tomorrow's breeding in monogastrics

Within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 program, teams from the Genetics Physiology and Farming Systems Unit (GenPhySE) of the Occitanie-Toulouse INRAE research center and GABI have been awarded 7 million euros over five years for the GEroNIMO project (Genome and Epigenome eNabled breedIng in MOnogastrics). This Europe-wide multi-actor participative project began in June 2021. It will promote studies on ways to improve genetic selection in animal breeding and to conserve genetic and epigenetic diversity, in order to provide new knowledge and perspectives to stakeholders, while taking into account current issues associated with sustainable development.
GABI: Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology unit

05 October 2023

By: Université Paris-Saclay

The University Paris-Saclay strengthens its position as a world-class research-intensive university

Global Ranking of Academic Subjects, Shanghai 2021 : The University Paris-Saclay strengthens its position as a world-class research intensive university

05 October 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

SG-Truite: an FEAMP Project

Definition of the technical and economic conditions useful for genomic selection programmes in the rainbow trout.

05 October 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

EpiCOOL: an FEAMP Project

Impact of storage length on eyed eggs in rainbow trout.

05 October 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams


Selection of robust rainbow trout resistant to variations of environmental conditions (hypoxia and temperature).

05 October 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

MedMax: an FEAMP Project

Maximization of genetic resistance to pathogens in the sea bass, a Mediterranean species.

05 October 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

GèneSea: an FEAMP Project

Development and approval of a genomic selection procedure in the sea bass and sea bream to improve resistance to pathologies.

05 October 2023

By: G2B - Edition P. HUAN - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Studying the adaptation of bovine to climate change

In the current context of climate change, one of the challenges in breeding is the adaptation of animals to heat. Cattle are particularly sensitive to heat stress which affects their welfare and their performances. The CAICalor (financed by Apis-Gene) and Rumigen (H2020) projects are aimed at studying the adaptation of cattle to climate change at both phenotypic and genetic levels.

05 October 2023

By: Presse INRAE

Galactinnov : creation of an international research network for high quality and sustainable dairy production

The GALACTINNOV International Research Network (Réseau de recherche à l’international or 2RI) agreement was signed on Friday 7 May, during an online meeting hosted by Marie-Josée Hébert, Vice-Rector for Research, Discovery, Creation and Innovation at the University of Montreal, and Philippe Mauguin, Chair and CEO of INRAE. The launch event was attended by representatives and scientists from the eight partners of the Franco-Canadian network: INRAE, Institut Agro, the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (ENVT), the University of Tours in France, and the University of Montreal, Université Laval, the University of Sherbrooke and McGill University in Quebec, Canada. Their common objective is to structure their collaboration based on high-quality dairy production while respecting the environment as well as animal health and welfare.
GABI: Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology unit

14 September 2023

By: T. Zerjal - Edition P. Huan

Assessment of trade-offs between feed efficiency, growth-related traits, and immune activity in experimental lines of layer chickens

All organisms are inherently constrained by the resources that are available to them, and must therefore allocate these limited resources among competing functions. This idea is central to the biological concept of trade-offs, which represent the costs incurred when a change in one trait results in an unfavorable change in another. Although the environment of domestic animals is more controlled than that of wild species, especially for food resources, the intensive selection for production and feed efficiency may have unintentionally triggered negative effects on other fundamental functions, such as the immune response, which may lead to detrimental effects on animal health and welfare.