Organisation of scientific meetings

Organization of scientific meetings

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03 February 2025

visioconférence/INRAE Jouy en Josas

SAVE THE DATE : Workshop EuroFAANG G2P in a dish

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The European research infrastructure EuroFAANG is organizing a workshop on the potential of cell systems and genome editing in farmed species, to validate hypotheses and explore new ones, while respecting the ethical principles of the 3Rs.

@GenRes Bridge

As part of the European project GenRes Bridge H2020, a workshop is organized on June 23 and 24: "Valorising Genetic Resources in agricultural and Forestry systems : How to evaluate and enhance the role of Genetic Resources in agroecology or evolution-oriented forestry ?” Registrations for the webinar are now open!

Microgenomics 2023

New methodologies and strategies for rare and small sample analysis: from agriculture to medicine

International Havemeyer Horse Genome Workshop

The call for papers will be open from September 1 to November 30, 2023, for your proposals for oral communications, posters, reviews, round tables and workshops.

The objective of this seminar is to treat the health challenges associated with arising risks generated by climate and anthropic changes by decompartmentalizing disciplinary approaches. Experts will speak on climate, the consequences of global changes and the urgency of finding ways to act.

The French branch of the WPSA is organizing the 26th World Poultry Congress in Paris from August 8 to 12, 2021 after postponement of the congress originally scheduled for 2020.

This subject is particularly important to the scientific community; nearly two hundred participants from different fields were reunited (MDs, biologists, bioinformaticians and statisticians).

The aim of the congress is to bring together internationally renowned experts in the field and offer an overview of the present knowledge for obtaining high quality molecules and future developments in "omic" tools (DNA, RNA and protein) for genome analysis and its expression at the cell level.