
The unit collaborates with networks of academic, professional or private partners.

The unit's activities range from the acquisition of new knowledge to methodological innovation and transfer to the field. It is this link between these two valences that modulates our partnerships with the academic and private sectors.

Academic Partnerships

AgroParisTech | ANSES | CNRS |INSERM | Université Paris-Saclay

Member of Sciences Animales Paris-Saclay (SAPS)


SAPS is a research collective dedicated to animal biology and health, in close connection with animal husbandry. The members of SAPS (INRAE, AgroParisTech, CNRS, ENVA, ANSES) are anchored in the University of Paris-Saclay, in particular in the Biosphera, Life Science and Health Graduate Schools, and also in the University of Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) via its partnerships with ENVA and ANSES. (SAPS - Sciences Animales Paris-Saclay)

GABI carries out numerous scientific projects thanks to the INRAE national system of research units, experimental units as well as collective scientific platforms and infrastructures (ISC).

INRAE Metaprogrammes 


Metaprogrammes are a mechanism for scientific animation and programming on a limited number of subjects requiring systemic and interdisciplinary approaches to meet our scientific and societal challenges. (Métaprogrammes INRAE)

Member of Carnot France Futur Élevage


GABI unit is part of the Carnot France Futur Élevage : the Carnot labelled network dedicated to livestock sectors. The Carnot France Futur Élevage is a network of academic research laboratories and agricultural technical institutes dedicated to promoting R&D collaborations and the transfer of innovations within the livestock sectors. (

Partnership between sectors and the private sector

Agrimer |APIS-GENE | ELIANCE | France Génétique Elevage  |IDELE | IFCE | SYSAAF | VALOGENE |

  • Reception of IDELE, ELIANCE, IFCE, ENVA and University of Paris staff.
  • The eBIS JOINT TECHNOLOGY UNIT (INRAE, IDELE, ELIANCE) dedicated to genomic selection 
  • the International Associated Laboratory GIMIC (INRAE, BAIF) dedicated to bovine breeding in India.
  • CIFRE Thesis Scholarships

Other Partnerships

  • Priority Research Programmes and Facilities (PEPR) 
  • CASDAR Programs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty (PNDAR)
  • Ile-de-France DIM1HEALTH Region

Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 16 February 2010 | By: P. Huan