Services & Resources

Platforms, research facilities and expertise within the GABI units plateformes, dispositifs de recherche et expertises au sein de l'unité GABI



The research work is based on different types of resources: networks, platforms and shared research and experimental infrastructures accessible to the public and the private sector, in the fields of microbiology and health, developmental biology and farm animal genetics. All collective scientific infrastructures are committed to a quality approach, most of which are ISO:9001 certified.


Experimental Platforms and Devices 


   • The @BRIDGe platform (animal Biological Resources for Integrated and Digital Genomics): The range of services and equipment includes the conservation of the biological sample and its analysis at the molecular, cellular or tissue level..

   • The Transmission Electron Microscopy service of the MIMA2 multi-site platform: Multi-scale imaging, electron and photonic microscopy, in vivo imaging and image analysis

   •  INRAE Experimental Units: This INRAE-specific facility hosts numerous genetic resources to conduct various interdisciplinary research programs.

   • The Mouse Transgenesis Workshop: an experimental facility dedicated to the breeding of mice in a confined environment.

Other research facilities 

   • The objectives of the CRB-Anim Biological Resource Center (INRAE ISC Infrastructure): CRB-Anim aims to integrate and strengthen biological resource centers (BRCs) conserving reproductive material and genomic material for domestic animal species farmed in France, mammals, birds, fish and shellfish..

    • The National Observatory of Bovine Anomalies (ONAB): Observation of the emergence and clinical description of genetic anomalies, at the national level between the different actors.

Support and expertise

  • Editorial coordination of the GSE journal
  • Bioinformatics Cluster
  • Methodological developments and tools
  • Organization of congresses

Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 09 April 2010 | By: P. Huan