Our Research

Understanding and using the genetic variability of animals

GABI's research is aimed at understanding and using the genetic variability of animals to analyse how phenotypes are built, their interactions with microbial ecosystems and the environment as a whole, all within a context of agroecological transitions.
  • Improving knowledge of animal genomes and their microbiomes.
  • Studying the functions associated with traits, essential to farming: adaptation, health, reproduction, production.
  • Developing tools and methods for the promotion of an efficient and sustainable breeding including its impact on the environment.
  • Managing animal biodiversity as an adaptive potential for future generations.
Disciplinary expertise and skills

Quantitative, molecular and population genetics ; functional genomics ; biostatistics ; bioinformatics ; fundamental biology ; experimentation on model and farm animals ; transgenic mice ; immunophenotyping ; study of microbiomes and their metagenomes ; integrative approaches for the study of multi-level and multi-scale data.

Modification date: 10 October 2023 | Publication date: 09 February 2010 | By: Translation W. Brand-Williams and H. Hayes