Engineering training

The AgroParisTech engineering curriculum

AgroParisTech's educational offering is structured around four main areas: the engineering curriculum, the master's degree in life and environmental sciences and industries, the doctorate and a range of Executive continuing education courses. The engineering curriculum is offered under student or apprentice status.

1st year :

The first year, which is open to non-apprenticeship students, is the foundation on which students, whatever their background (preparatory classes, DUT, L2), will build both a broad vision of the issues for which AgroParisTech engineers are sought after, and a minimum scientific and technical culture to mobilize these disciplines for the benefit of an understanding of the issues and proposals for change.

The year is structured in such a way as to alternate between disciplinary approaches and real-life situations, in order to better grasp the reality of the systems at stake and the nature of the analyses to be carried out.

This twofold approach - disciplinary and understanding of the issues and professions involved - enables students to learn how to build their own personal training path.

At the end of the first year, students progressively deepen their knowledge by choosing a field in 2nd year and a major in 3rd year.

2nd year :

The second year of the AgroParisTech engineering curriculum enables students to delve deeper into issues related to the living world, through a course dedicated to a specific field. This training is supplemented by core courses common to all 2nd year courses and by courses chosen by the students.

Work placements are based both on group projects proposed by teaching teams working with public or private organizations, and on individual assignments lasting a minimum of two months within a host organization.

  • Environmental management and engineering
  • Food, biomolecules and energy engineering
  • Engineering and health: people, bioproducts and the environment
  • Production, sectors and territories for sustainable development
  • 3rd year in line with GABI's scientific themes
  • Sustainable and innovative livestock production and supply chains

3rd year in line with GABI's scientific themes

Sustainable and innovative livestock production and supply chains
More than ever, the animal production and animal products industries need well-trained managers to meet the many challenges facing them:

  • doubling global meat and milk production between 2000 and 2050,
  • environmental impact, and the competitiveness of the French industry in the face of its European and global competitors,
  • prevention of health crises,
  • respect for animals...

The main aim of the DA EDEN is to train AgroParisTech engineers for organizations and companies in the animal products industry. On completion of their training, they will be in a position to help meet the challenges facing these sectors.

See also

Modification date: 23 October 2023 | Publication date: 08 December 2015 | By: P. Huan