UMR1313 GABI - Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology

Joint INRAE AgroParisTech Unit

Understanding and exploiting the genetic variability of animals.

The scientific orientations of GABI aim to understand and exploit the genetic variability of animals to analyze the construction of phenotypes, interactions with microbial ecosystems and the environment at large, in a context of agroecological transition.

Expertise and disciplinary skills


Quantitative, molecular and population genetics; functional genomics; biostatistics; bioinformatics; fundamental biology; experiments on model and farm animals; mouse transgenesis; immunophenotyping; study of microbiomes and their metagenomes; integrative approaches for studying multi-level and multi-scale data.



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05 July 2024


We inherit part of our intestinal microbiota, as demonstrated by pigs

The intestinal microbiota is a collection of billions of microorganisms that forms after birth in humans and animals. While we know that the environment, and in particular diet, has a major influence on the formation and composition of the microbiota, the influence of genetics is still debated. For the first time, scientists at INRAE have demonstrated experimentally, in pigs, that the formation of intestinal microbiota is partly heritable. They selected 2 lines of pigs for 2 types of intestinal microbiota characterized by their bacterial composition. The results, published in the journal Microbiome, show that the frequency of each type of microbiota increases from generation to generation in each line. Another finding is that, for one type of microbiota, selection favors faster growth in piglets. These results open up new prospects for taking intestinal microbiota into account in animal selection schemes for more sustainable and resilient breeding.

07 June 2024


Feed efficiency in laying hens: a helping hand from the gut microbiota?

The intestinal microbiota influences the characteristics of its host in a wide variety of ways. One of the most important roles played by the microbiota is its ability to break down feed that cannot be digested by the host itself, thus facilitating its utilization. This raises the question of the microbiota's influence on the feed efficiency (1) of farm animals. INRAE researchers have published a study in the journal Scientific Reports showing the existence of a relationship between the composition and function of this microbiota and the feed efficiency of laying hens.
The 14th Havemeyer Horse Genome Workshop was held from May 12 to 15, 2024 at the University of Caen, bringing together an international community of 110 people to share scientific results on the horse genome. A resounding success that will undoubtedly raise the international profile of INRAE, the GABI unit, LABÉO, the city of Caen and the Normandy region.
INRAE Médiathèque C. Maître
The European Partnership for Animal Health and Welfare (EUPAHW) is by far the most ambitious research and innovation initiative funded by the European Commission to control infectious animal diseases and promote animal welfare.
C. Pichoux (Workflow des différentes étapes nécessaires à la mise en œuvre de la CLEM)
The MIMA2 platform's Cellular Ultrastructure Unit (CUP) has specifically developed a method for preserving animal tissue and arterial cell morphology, as well as signal preservation.

Founding member of Sciences Animales Paris-Saclay 


SAPS is a research group dedicated to animal biology and health, with close links to livestock farming. SAPS members (INRAE, AgroParisTech, CNRS, ENVA, ANSES) are rooted in the Université Paris-Saclay, notably in the Biosphera and Life Science and Health Graduate Schools, and also in the Université Paris-Est Créteil (UPEC) through its partnerships with ENVA and ANSES.  + SAPS - Sciences Animales Paris-Saclay

Member of Carnot France Futur Élevage


The GABI unit is a member of Carnot France Futur Élevage: the Carnot-accredited network dedicated to the livestock industry. Carnot France Futur Élevage is a network of academic research laboratories and agricultural technical institutes dedicated to promoting R&D collaboration and innovation transfer within the livestock industry. + France Futur Élevage