@BRIDGe Core Facilities

@BRIDGe: Animal Biological Resources for Integrated and Digital Genomics



The services and equipment provided include the conservation of the biological sample and its analysis on the molecular, cell or tissue level. Our fileds of activity are structural and functional genomics, microgenomics, morphological and ultrastructural analysis. Three technological offers: biobanking services, genomics services, Functional and morphological analyses at the cell or tissue levels


The biobank and its genomic and microgenomics laboratories are part of the national CRB-Anim infrastructure, supported by the ‘Investissements d’Avenir’ programme (Future investments program) from 2012 to 2019 which is the animal pilar of the national infrastructure "RARe" for INRAE's network of Agricultural and Environemntal Biological Resources Centers.

1- Biobanking services
  • BAC Libraries: cattle, sheep, goats, horses, pigs, rabbits, chickens.
  • Treatment, secure conservation, distribution of all types of biological samples except for infectious material.
  • 21 freezers -80°C or-40°C,
  • 2 nucleic acid extraction robots: ChemagicStar, extraction on magnetic beads (x24 or x96), QiaCube, column extraction (x12),
  • 8 quantification and quality control instruments for nucleic acids.
2- Genomic services
  • Agilent Station for microarray hybridation;
  • Sequencing on an Illumina MiSeq ; Capture of targeted genomic regions;
  • Quantitative PCR: Life Technologies QuantStudio 12K Openarray and TaqMan array cards ; Digital PCR digitale for absolute quantification with a BioRad ddPCR QX200 ;
  • Analysis software GeneSpring GX (Agilent) and Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (Ingenuity) for transcriptome data, GeneX (Multid) for qPCR.
Functional and Morphological Analysis on the cell or tissue level
  • Histology, tissue fixation, sectioning and staining; in situ hybridization on cryogenic tissues; immunohistochemistry, brightfield virtual histological slides.
  • A staining robot, 2 microtomes, 2 dehydration and paraffin inclusion systems, and 1 tissue embedding system (Leica), 1 brightfield and fluorescent scanner for virtual slides (Panoramic SCAN, 3DHistech), cassette printer (Primera), 2 ultramicrotomes (Reichert E – Leica UC6), 1 Leica immunohistochemistry system.
  • Microgenomics with Laser Microdissection: production and genomic analysis of micro and nano-quantities of material extracted from isolated cells in their tissue environement under morphological control. Laser microdissection (ARCTURUS XT IR /UV), 2 cryostats, 1 SnapFrost.
Quality policy
  • The @BRIDGe core facilties is ISO 9001:2015 certified for all its activities and NFS 96-900 certified for its biobanking activities.
  • Its Biological Resources Center is IBiSA certified and the Scientific Cellective Infrastructure (ISC) by INRAE.
Core facitility activities and networks
  • The fields of activity are strutural and functional genomics, microgenomics, morphological and ultrastructural analysis.

Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 09 April 2010 | By: P. Huan