

As part of the Université Paris-Saclay's Master's program, lecturers from AgroParisTech's "Genetics, Breeding and Reproduction" UFR are involved in the design, organization and implementation of the Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP) specialization and its 1st year (M1) and second year (M2) courses.

Mention Biologie Intégrative et Physiologie (BIP) Animale

Université Paris-Saclay
© Université Paris-Saclay

These 5 aims are supported by 5 M1s: an M1 BIP Biomass Engineering for Bioeconomy (BIP-BEB), integrated into the Erasmus Mundus Bioceb; BIP Biodiversity, Genomes and Environment (BIP-BGE); BIP Plant (BIPV), BIP Animal (BIPA) and BIP Microbial and Plant Systems Biology (MPSB). The 3 M1s BIP-BGE, BIPA and BIPV share a two-month core curriculum (TC), followed by teaching units (UE) specific to each EF and a compulsory 2-month internship. The M1 MPSB and BEB, entirely in English, offer different curricula.
The specialization is structured around 3 levels of study: 1) Integrated approaches to the study and development of living organisms (Animals with M2 PRIAM; Microbials with M2 SSB, BGE; Plants with M2 SCV and BEB); 2) Biotechnological development (Chemical engineering and biochemistry with M2 BEB; Life engineering and synthetic biology with M2 SSB) and 3) Adaptation, environment and biodiversity (Genomics, genetics with M2 BGE, SCV, PRIAM; Modelling and systems biology with M2 SSB)..

Read more :

M2 PRIAM "Predictive and Integrative Animal Biology" 

Université Paris-Saclay
© Université Paris-Saclay

If there is to be a typical course, it is the M1 BIP-Animal followed by the M2 PRIAM.
Training in applied animal sciences, with an integrative approach to biology, including genetics, physiology and behavior.
Mastery of bioinformatics and biostatistics tools in line with the previous objective.
Train students to model biological processes at different levels of spatio-temporal organization.
Train students in the scientific approach and prepare them for further study in the laboratory.
Learn about the challenges of animal issues (breeding, wildlife, companionship) and prepare students to be operational in the relevant sectors.

Read more : M2 Predictive and Integrative Animal Biology | Université Paris-Saclay (


UMR GABI researchers give occasional lectures in a number of courses, notably at the following establishments:

  • Université Paris-Saclay,
  • Agrocampus Ouest.

The unit also welcomes students on 2-month (M1) or 6-month (M2) internships from biology, genetics, statistics (etc...), agricultural engineers and veterinary students.

In this folder

Researchers and teacher-researchers from the GABI unit run the Master 2 Predictive and Integrative Animal Biology (PRIAM) program. Over the next few years, their ambition is to make the necessary thematic adaptations to ensure that the training offered remains as close as possible to the expectations and challenges of animal genetics research and its applications in the context of the agroecological transition of livestock farming and adaptation to climate change.

Modification date: 23 October 2023 | Publication date: 08 December 2015 | By: P.Huan