Scientific themes

Our scientific themes

Understanding and exploiting genetic variability in animals

GABI's scientific orientations aim to understand and exploit the genetic variability of animals to analyze the construction of phenotypes, interactions with microbial ecosystems and the environment at large, in a context of agroecological transition.

  •   Refine our knowledge of animal genomes and their microbiomes.
  •   Study the functions linked to inseparable traits in animal breeding: adaptation, health, reproduction, production.
  •   Develop tools and methods to promote efficient, sustainable livestock production, including environmental impact.
  •   Manage animal biodiversity as an adaptive potential for future generations.

Disciplinary expertise and skills

Quantitative, molecular and population genetics; functional genomics; biostatistics; bioinformatics; fundamental biology; experimentation on model and farm animals; mouse transgenesis; immunophenotyping; study of microbiomes and their metagenomes; integrative approaches to the study of multi-level and multi-scale data.PrinUnderstanding and exploiting the genetic variability of animals.

Modification date: 17 October 2023 | Publication date: 10 October 2023 | By: P. Huan