Institut Carnot France Futur Elevage

The GABI unit is a member of Carnot France Futur Élevage

The Carnot France Futur Élevage is a network of academic research laboratories and agricultural technical institutes dedicated to promoting R&D collaborations and the transfer of innovations within the livestock sectors.

The Carnot France Futur Élevage brings together the expertise of academic actors in agro-veterinary research with worldwide visibility and the expert R&D know-how of three agricultural technical institutes that are international leaders in livestock services.

With the Carnot label obtained in 2016, then renewed in 2020, the GABI unit affirms its partnership research strategy through its participation in the Carnot France Futur Élevage project.


The Carnot France Futur Élevage is a network of academic research laboratories and agricultural technical institutes dedicated to promoting R&D collaborations and the transfer of innovations within the livestock sectors. It brings together 9 reference structures for scientific support for livestock farming: INRAE, the Agro Institute, Oniris, CIRAD, Toulouse Veterinary School, Idele, IFIP, ITAVI and University of Tours.

Created in 2006, the Carnot label is awarded for 4 years by the M.E.S.R.I. to public research structures that simultaneously carry out upstream research activities, capable of renewing their scientific and technological skills, and a proactive policy in terms of partnership research for the benefit of the socio-economic world. It guarantees scientific excellence and professionalism in the management of the partnership relationship.

France Futur Élevage is the Carnot-labelled network dedicated to livestock sectors, aiming to respond through research and innovation to the challenges of sustainable and responsible livestock farming. It offers companies, professional organisations and players in the livestock sector a multidisciplinary and integrated research and innovation offer, from the laboratory to the farm.

See also

Modification date: 24 October 2023 | Publication date: 29 March 2013 | By: P. Huan