Deep Learning and Genomics Workshop

Deep Learning and Genomics Workshop: the speakers' presentations are now available

This subject is particularly important to the scientific community; nearly two hundred participants from different fields were reunited (MDs, biologists, bioinformaticians and statisticians).

A workshop organized by F. Jaffrézic, D. Laloë, P. Huan, E. Venot (INRA-GABI) and D. Gautheret (I2BC, University Paris-Sud) was held on October 9, 2018 at the INRA Versailles research center. This seminar, financed by the PREDICT and PsayCompBio projects, was aimed at the Deep Learning and Genomics fields of study.

With the development of "X-omics" data and new sequencing techniques, Biology has entered the "Big Data" era. In parallel, methods associated with neuron networks have increased spectacularly as "Deep Learning" is applied to massive data.

This field interests in particular the scientific community. During this seminar nearly two-hundred participants from different horizons and fields gathered (MD, biologists, bioinformaticians and staticians).

Several subjects were treated:

First, a theoretical introduction to neuron networks was given followed by several presentations on the application of deep learning and machine learning approaches to genomics and metagenomics data.

At the end of the seminar a round-table discussion led by F Jaffrézic and M Mariadassou on the conditions necessary to apply these approaches, in terms of quantity of data necessary along with the reproducibility and biological interpretability of the networks obtained.

The presentations are available (in French) on the PREDICT-PSay-CompBio web site.

Modification date: 05 October 2023 | Publication date: 25 October 2018 | By: PHuan - W Brand-Williams (translation)