The UMT eBIS has been labelized by the Agriculture Ministry

The UMT eBIS has been labelized by the Agriculture Ministry with a renewed project

The UMT eBIS was once again labelized in 2021, joining scientists and engineers from INRAE, IDELE and ALLICE in a 5-year project to produce knowledge on the characterization of the bovine genome and genetic determinism of traits and for the develoment of selection methods and tools for this species. This UMT is hosted at the GABI laboratory at Jouy-en-Josas.

Since 2006,  the UMT bovine genetics has joined INRAE and two professional partners, IDELE (a technical institute working on ruminants) and ALLICE (a federation of bovine selection companies and insemination centers) in research and development projects for an efficient and sustainable bovine selection. Since November 2018, the European Zootechnical Regulations changed the legal framework of bovine selection and the UMT is no longer in charge of genetic evaluation. Its project has been refocused on the research and development of bovine genetics to concentrate on the major challenges of agroecology, global changes and to integrate new knowledge in the digital era and the genome.

The eBIS UMT was labelized by the Agriculture MInistry with a renewed project including three main research axes: (1) genome structure, variability and dynamics, with an important activity in genome sequencing and annotation for the understanding of its regulations and the analysis of epigenetics markers; (2) the analysis of genetic variability of traits, with a priority on health, feed efficiency, environmental impact, heat tolerance and genetic anomalies; (3) management methods and population selection, in particular genomic evaluation methods in pure-bred and crossbred animals, the use of biological information in genetic evaluation, management of variability in selection, the definition of selection objectives and the optimization of breeding plans.

The UMT is implicated in different European projects (H2020 Gentore, Bovreg, Rumigen, consortium Eurogenomics) and new national projects (including the ANR Polyphème, SeqOccIn, Methabreed, and the ONAB projects). It is also a member of the 1000 bovine genome consortium, and an essential actor in bovine genetics, housing most of France's research forces in the field.