
CC-BY Frontiers for young minds, Cooking up knowledge from big data using data science

05 October 2023

By: A. Rau - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Publishing in a scientific journal with children/teenagers as reviewers

The GiBBS team just published a "core concept" Mathematics article on big data, data sciences, and algorithms in the journal Frontiers in Young Minds. A very enriching experience with young reviewers!
@ INRAE Eric Barrey

05 October 2023

By: INRAE Service presse - Edition P. Huan

The metabolic secrets of horse-athlete endurance

The intestinal microbiota and energy centers of the blood cells of horses communicate to ensure an unfailing endurance! A dialogue based on fatty acid production allows the animal to adapt its metabolism to delay fatigue, hypoglycemia and reduce inflammation. These are the conclusions of a study led by INRAE in partnership with the National Veterinary School at Alfort and the University of Evry. These results, published in Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences lead the way to custom-made diets for endurance race horses, to guarantee their performances, welfare and health.

05 October 2023

By: N. Mach Edition P. Huan Translation W. Brand-Williams

Resilience of the intestinal microbiota in stressed equine athletes

Elite horse athletes that live in individual boxes undergo long-term physical and mental stress that compromises the welfare of these animals altering their intestinal microbiota. In a studied published in Scientific Reports, scientists from INRAE laboratories including Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology - GABI evaluated whether a temporary period at pasture with other animals could improve animal welfare and, in return, favorably affect the intestinal microbiota composition.

14 September 2023

By: M-P. Sanchez - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Analysis of the genetic determinism of the mineral concentration of cow's milk

The composition in minerals of cow's milk plays an important role in its nutritional value and its cheese-making abilities. By combining high-throughput phenotyping with middle infrared spectrometry (MIR), large-scale genotyping, association and annotation analyses, 50 regions of the genome were detected that affect the main mineral concentrations, identifying the genes implicated and candidate genetic variants (usually involved in regulation). The genes SLC37A1 and ANKH explain the most significant QTL.
@INRAE Bertrand Nicolas

14 September 2023

By: INRAE - Press Service

The creation of INRAE's first Assoicated Partnership Laboratory: dedicated to innovation with Excilone

Due to the major challenges facing our societies, expectations of research are growing. To respond through real innovation to the industry's and society's problems, the intensifiction of interactions between public resarch with companies is a key. By placing innovation as one of the pilars in its strategy for the next 10 years [1], at the beginning of 2021, INRAE has launched a new type of partnership with social-economic actors: the Associated Partnership Laboratory. Thus, on the basis of a common roadmap for 5 years, the partnership will allow INRAE and Excilone to share their material and human resources around a co-conceived research and technological programme in the field of microgenomics. This is a new type of partnership for INRAE that is both flexible and adaptable whose objective is to accelerate the development of new innovations.

14 September 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan

Anaïs Cazals will defend her PhD dissertation on Thursday December 9th at 14.00

Her PhD dissertation is entitled, "Study of the impact of host genetics and gut microbiota composition on Salmonella Enteritidis carriage in mice and chickens".

14 September 2023

By: CP INRAE - Edition P. Huan

Mystery of four-horned goats and sheep finally solved

In meadows, we can sometimes see sheep and goats with four horns instead of two. Some breeds, like the Manx Loaghtan from the Isle of Man, are famous for their unusual headgear. A team of researchers from INRAE, the University of Geneva, the Polytechnic School of Lausanne, the French National Union of Cooperatives for Animal Insemination (ALLICE), as well as from several museums and breeding associations, has been investigating the genetic causes of this curious morphological phenomenon. Published in the journal Molecular Biology and Evolution on 16 February 2021, their results show that all the polycerate animals studied carried a mutation in the same gene: HOXD1.

14 September 2023


An environmentally relevant mixture PCBs and PBDEs disrupts mitochondrial function, lipid metabolism and neurotransmission in the brain of exposed zebrafish and their unexposed F2 offspring

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDE) are persistant organic pollutants present in aquatic environments despite their either total or partial removal from the market. Chronic exposition of zebrafish, a fish model, to a mixture of PCB and PBDE that is representative of European environmental situations, affects the energy metabolism, growth and reproduction in the exposed zebrafish (F0) as well as the behavior of their non-exposed offspring (F1-F4) (Horri et al., 2018 ; Alfonso et al., 2019).

14 September 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

INRAE research during the COVID-19 pandemic

In this press release, discover the studies led by INRAE on COVID-19, studies ranging from virology to sociology, epidemiology, ecology and mathematics.

14 September 2023

By: Productions Animales - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

The project « A thousand Gallus genomes» : sharing sequene data for their improved use.

Whole genome sequencing has changed many fields in genetics: selection, biodiversity, understanding the genotype-phenotype relationship. The idea of a "1000 Genomes" project, tested in cattle, consists of sharing sequence data obtained by different partners to facilitate the extraction of information that answers the different research questions. Here we present how this will be done for the chicken on both national and international levels.

14 September 2023

By: GABI - Translation W. Brand-Williams

A phylogenomic approach rebuild the evolUne approche phylogénomique permet de reconstruire l’histoire évolutive du genre Gallus (et d’identifier des hybrides)

The evolutive history of the Gallus genus, including the chicken, has been explored in many studies that have led to incompatible phylogenetic trees. The genus is made up of 4 wild fowl species: the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus, southeast Asia), the grey junglfowl (Gallus sonneratti, India), the Lafayette's junglefowl (Gallus lafayetti, Sri Lanka) and the green junglfowl (Gallus varius, Indonesia). Previous studies suggest that the ancestral branch concerns either the red junglfowl (A scenario) or the green junglfowl (B scenario). They have limits however: often only one bird per species, few genes, etc.

14 September 2023


From the FAANG initiative.... to the fork

In a publication in the journal Genome Biology, scientists from several international teams involved with Elisabetta Giuffra of GABI (coordinator of the review), describe research priorities that are based on the progress, success and resources of the FAANG intitative (Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes) since 2015, aimed at answering current and future challenges in Animal Production.

14 September 2023

By: GABI - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

GABI's 2020 Research Highlights

Our Research Highlights are chosen amongst a choice selection of significant research results that were published in international scientific journals. They illustrate our main results for the year.

14 September 2023


Production of the bovine rumen microbiota gene catalogue: a surprising diversity despite a high specialization in plant degradation

A catalogue of procaryote genes present in the bovine rumen has been compiled. It will help decipher the potential roles of the microbiota as a whole, in particular its ability to degrade structural carbohydrates in forages.
@ Christian Slagmulder - INRAE

09 October 2023

By: INRAE - W Brand-Williams (translation)

AQUAEXCEL3.0 : a project for the development of European aquaculture

Where do your sea products come from? In Europe, 75% of these products are imported. It therefore seems important to guarantee a sustainable growth for aquaculture in Europe. Such is the mission of the H2020 AQUAEXCEL project, which began in 2011. Today it evolves to a third edition: AQUAEXCEL3.0.

14 September 2023

By: S. André - W Brand-Williams (translation)

The incubation temperature of Japonese quail eggs as a lever to improve heat resistance?

For the first time, the characterization of incubation temperature effects of Japonese quail eggs show an impact on growth, physiology and metabolism of the birds potentially in relation with their capacity to thermoregulate.

14 September 2023

By: CRB-Anim - translation W Brand-Williams

Organisation of Animal Selection in France and consequences on access to zootechnical data

This session is organized as part of the @BRIDGe core facilities training programs. Rendez-vous on Monday 23 November to follow the presentation by Etienne Verrier, Professor at AgroParisTech and Didier Boichard, senior scientist of the Bovine Genetics and Genomics Team.
@INRAE  2017-0099 Bassin d'élevage de poisson en mer

14 September 2023

By: M. Vandeputte - W Brand-Williams (Translation)

Sea bass, a fish whose sex depends on temperature .... one way and the other

On the contrary to mammals and birds in which sex is determined at conception by sex chromosomes (X and Y being the most well-known), it is frequent in fish and reptiles that sex be determined at least in part by water temperature at a key developmental stage. This is true in sea bass, but, in a surprising way, the same temperature can produce males or females depending on the moment of development where they are applied. This is what a study by the Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology Unit (GABI, INRAE, AgroParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay) and the MARine Biodiversity, Exploitation and Conservation (MARBEC, IRD, Ifremer, Université de Montpellier, CNRS), found and which was published on 4 November, 2020 in the journal Ecology and Evolution.

14 September 2023

By: F. Phocas - W Brand-Williams

Spontaneous masculinisation in female genetic trout: a genetic origin n part

During evolution, fish have developed a remarkable diversity of sex phenotypic control mechanisms, associating heterogametic systems such as XX/XY as in mammals or ZZ/ZW as in birds to polygenic systems or those regulated by the environment. In the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), sex is dictated by a simple chromosome system (XX/XY) and the major sex determinant is known (sdY gene). This genetic determinism is used to produce completely female populations (XX), which are more interesting that bisexual populations. However, male individuals are regularly observed in these XX populations.

14 September 2023

By: INRAE - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Animal Sciences at the 2020 National Science Fair

The 2020 edition of the National Science Fair will be a virtual event due to the sanitary crisis. Scientists from INRAE in Ile-de-France are mobilized to share their work with the public. Beginning on October 2 they gave conferences, presented videos and for the public including grade-school children. The program; the earth and its inhabitants, lactic acid bacteria, urban farms, animal sciences....

14 September 2023

By: GABI ; Translation W. Brand-Williams

The book "Génétique des animaux d’élevage : diversité et adaptation dans monde changeant" was just published by the QUAE publication house.

A meeting is scheduled with the coordinators on September 15, at AgroParisTech Claude Bernard Center in Paris !