Tripl’XL project videos

Pauline Martin explains her work on Tripl'XL experiments at the Pin Experimental Farm (61)

Evaluating health status, behavior and welfare of dairy cows at pasture is one of the objectives of this experiment that began in January 2020 on the INRAE Pin Farm in Normandy. Web-agri and INRAE have joined forces to provide a series of videos presenting the Tripl'XL programme.

This 6-year project is based on the multicriteria analysis of a big herd in a grassland system. It involves local actors in Normandy as part of the Territorial innovative laboratory "Ouest Territoires d'élevage" whose goal is to reconcile breeding and society via improvement of health and welfare of animals.

Grazing of dairy cattle is a method of feeding herds favored by the public. Of low cost, it is considered as a source of good welfare and health of animals. But different factors, both structural and cultural, limit its development. The Tripl'XL experiments is aimed at removing these obstacles from the grazing of large herds in order to facilitate a "return to grazing" in lowland systems and to analyze its impact on the health and welfare of animals. This project will also provide the scientific knowledge necessary to determine the profile of cattle adapted to these grazing systems.

A webseries realized in partnership with Web-agri

Video by Terre-Net

  • Contact : Pauline Martin (pauline.martin(at)