
14 September 2023

By: F. Le Provost - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams

RumimiR : a database including all bovine, caprine and ovine microRNA

The massive use of high-throughput sequencing techniqus has generated a large quantity of data. Many publications have described several hundreds of microRNA sequences. We created a new database, RumimiR, containing a detailed description of microRNA in bovines, caprines and ovines.

14 September 2023

By: P. Croiseau - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams

Impact of genomic selection on genetic diversity in dairy cattle

The arrival of genomic selection in the important dairy cattle breeds has considerably modified selection programs but its impact on genetic diversity was still unknown. This study presents an assessment of the evolution of genetic diversity before and after genomic selection established in the Montbeliard, Normandy and Holstein breeds.

14 September 2023

By: M. Tixier-Boichard - Edition P. Huan

Are there limits to selection : a look at poultry

Poultry selection has led to extreme phenotypes. The evolution of the domestic chicken from the jungle chicken has led to raising questions on the limits of selection.

14 September 2023

By: GABI Equipe G2B - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams

Ruminal microbiota and enteric methane in Holstein cows

We studied the implication of diverse microorganism populations (microbiota) of the rumen in the differences of enteric methane emissions of producing Holstein cattle. The analysis of the bacterial structural populations identified three groups or ruminotypes.

14 September 2023

By: A. Rau - Edition P. Huan - W Brand-Williams

a Web application for new multidisiciplinary partnerships

Multi-omics data provide the ideal occasion for the study of molecular variability and the interaction between different levels of biological complexity. However, their integration, analysis and interpretation may be an important multi-disciplinary challenge. At the same time, the direct creation of web interfaces using the open-source R programming language is now possible, providing an interactive and user-friendly means of communicating data and analysis results.
@INRAE Author d'Ambrosio et al.

14 September 2023

By: F. Phocas - Edition P. Huan

Genetic diversity of French rainbow trout lines

The genetic diversity of both commercial and experimental French rainbow trout populations was studied using molecular information. Four commercial lines and two experimental lines were genotyped using the AxionTM Trout Genotyping array (using 38000 SNP). The results show a moderate differentiation amongst the lines.

14 September 2023

By: M. Vandeputte - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Wililams

Genetic selection leads to more efficient sea bass

To support the development necessary for aquaculture production, it is necessary to have a more efficient production, with fish consuming less feeds and producing less waste.

14 September 2023

By: E. Barrey - Edition P. Huan

Commercialization of a genotyping test for the curly hair coat phenotype in the curly breed in the horse

A new genotyping test allows the identification of which sires will produce Curly foals with a curly hair coat that has the reputation of being less allergenic for allergic riders.

14 September 2023

By: C. Cebo - Edition P. Huan - W Brand-Williams

An International Research Network between France and Quebec involving several GABI teams is underway.

The objectives of the project are to promote exchanges between scientists and favor the mobility of researchers and students working on important research subjects.

14 September 2023

By: F. Calenge - Edition P. Huan - W Brand-Williams

Retired veterinarians from the Lyon Veterinary School visit GABI : the GeMS team presents their work on the intestinal micriota in farm animals.

On Friday September 20th, the INRA Jouy-en-Josas research center hosted a groupe of retired veterinarians from the Lyon Veterinary School. Two scientists belonging to GABI's GeMS team, Marion Borey and Fanny Calenge presented their work on the importance of studying the intestinal microbiota in farm animals.
Photo (de gauche à droite) : MS Lund, B Guldbrandtsen, G Sahana (encadrant principal), M Uddin, CB Jorgensen (rapporteur), J Jensen (président), G Andersson (rapporteur), D Boichard

14 September 2023

By: D. Boichard - Edition P. Huan - translation D Boichard/ W Brand-Williams

Mohammed Mesbah Uddin defended his PhD dissertation at Aarhus University, Denmalrk on September 17, 2019.

This thesis was focused on a complex trait for genetic improvement in cattle due to its low heritability but its strong variability, and its opposition with dairy production. Mesbah's work was aimed at identifying causal genetic variants implicated in femal fertility determinism using different approaches.

09 October 2023

By: GABI Equipe G2B - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams

A new research highlight: "Genetic determinism for cheese-making ability of milk."

Prediction equations for cheese-making abilities using Middle-Infrared spectra of milk were developed and applied to several million spectra in the Monbeliard bovine breed. A genetic analysis shows that coagulation parameters and yield are heritable. An association analysis on the whole genome sequence level identified 59 QTL and a network of 736 co-regulated genes.

14 September 2023

By: M. Tixier-Boichard - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams

What is chocolat plumage in the domestic chicken ?

Chicken plumage presents many genetically determined color variations. Chocolate plumage is characterized by a brown-chocolate color that replaces black in animals that carry the 'choc' mutation, described since 1996 as recessive and sex-associated. Seeral domestic mammals and in the quail, mutations for the gene coding for the Tyrosinase Related Protein 1 enzyme have been associated to colors such as 'havane', 'red' or 'brown'.

05 October 2023

By: Web - Edition P. Huan - translation W. Brand-Williams

The experimental farm, the "Pin" (61310 le Pin-au-Haras) hosts the "Prairiales" seminar on Thursday June 13..

A seminar involving both scientists and breeders/professionals in animal breeding. Many INRA scientists (Animal Genetics, Livestock Production and Animal Health Divisions notably) will present their work to breeders.
GABI: Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology unit

05 October 2023

By: D. Rocha - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

A study of allele-specific expression in catle published in Scientific Reports

Scientists sequenced genomes and complete transcriptomes in these animals and they identified 5 658 Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNP) showing a biais for allele expression in 13% of the expressed genes.

05 October 2023

By: Service presse INRA - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-WIlliams

Creation of the INRA/BAIF Associated International Laboratory (LIA), GIMIC "Genetic IMprovement of Indian Cattle and Buffaloes"

Inra in India: a new LIA reinforces our research partnership with the BAIF for rural, environmental and food security development.
INRA, V. Ducroq

05 October 2023

By: GABI Equipe G2B - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Creation of an Internationally Associated Laboratory GIMIC (Genetic IMprovement of Indian Cattle and buffaloes) between GABI and an Indian NGO, the BAIF.

The Internationally Associated Laboratory GIMIC was created in 2018 for five years. It coordinates the activties of a large Indian NGO, the BAIF, and a group of geneticists and professors from AgroParisTech, all members of the research unit GABI. GIMIC will explore the use of modern tools such as genomic selection for genetic improvement of taurine x zebus crossbred animals and buffaloes in a tropical environment on small farms.
A. Duchesne, INRA,

05 October 2023

By: A. Duchesne - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams

Mutation of the gene KIF1C : a test for screening and eradicating progressive ataxia in the bovine Charolais breed, but also a natural model for the study of the demyelinating diseases in man

Progressive ataxia is a neurodegenerative anomaly described in Charolais cattle since 1972. This disease affects the welfare of affected aniamls and is expensive for breeding because of its late expression. The mutation responsible was identified in the gene KIF1C .A partnership with the Institut du Cerveau et de la moelle épinière (The Brain and Spinal Cord Institute) has made it possible to exploit this bovine model to advance in the understanding of the pathophysiology of these anomalies.
FAANG, European Community

14 September 2023

By: GABI Equipe GIS - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

The FAANG action is on the rise!

The FAANG initiative (Functionnal Annotation of Animal Genomes) was formally launched at the beginning of 2015. Since then, the initiative has been widened to research activities undertaken by an increasing number of international partners. INRA was and remains one of the central partners of this consortium. FAANG has now entered a phase of growth in which annotation efforts will be led at a larger scale for the study of several scientific questions, with the ultimate goal of unveiling the fine mechanisms of genome regulation in order to associate the genotype and phenotype and therefore better exploit genetic and epigenetic variability. This review, requested by the journal "Annual Review of Animal Biosciences" was aimed at evaluating the results acquired by FAANG and tracing the future directions of this initiative.

05 October 2023

By: GABI Equipe GENAQUA - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Aquakultor, the first video game for a smarphone in which the player becomes a fish breeder!

Aquaculture production increases every year and it must meet sustainability challenges. Mathieu Besson's PhD studies (in partnership with Wageningen university and INRA, Rennes) have shown that genetic selection can improve the economic results of fish farms and reduce their impact on the environment.

05 October 2023

By: GABI G2B team - Edition P. Huan - Translation W. Brand-Williams

Genetic determinism of body size in cattle

As part of the "1000 bovine genome" consortium, scientists from INRA and Allice and their partners abroad have explored the genetic determinism of animal stature, showing its complexity. At least 163 genomic regions are implicated in the genetic control of cattle size, but they only explain 14% of the variability of this trait in the populations studied. This complex genetic determinism is similar to what is observed in man for which the genes identified as being implicated only explain 10 to 20% of the observed variability.