Genetics Selection Evolution (GSE) (reserved)
The journal GSE

Genetics Selection Evolution (GSE) is an international scientific journal of INRA published by BioMed Central Ltd (BMC).

The Animal Genetics INRAE Division is responsible for the journal’s scope of scientific areas and editorial policy. Its editorial board includes several members of GABI.
Published for the first time in 1969 as the Annales de Génétique et de Sélection Animales, the journal was renamed Genetics Selection Evolution (GSE) in 1983 and since 2009 became an electronic open access journal. The journal is dedicated to the publication of original studies that deal with all issues on genetics and selection of farm and laboratory animals in relation to applications in agronomy.

2019 Impact factor: 3.950

Genetics Selection Evolution invites basic, applied and methodological content that will aid the current understanding and the use of genetic variability in domestic animal species. Although the focus is on domestic animal species, research on other species is invited, if it contributes to the understanding of the use of genetic variability in domestic animals. Genetics Selection Evolution publishes results from all levels of study, from the gene to the quantitative trait, from the individual to the population, the breed or the species. Contributions concerning both the biological approach, from molecular genetics to quantitative genetics, as well as the mathematical approach, from population genetics to statistics, are welcome. Specific areas of interest include but are not limited to: gene and QTL identification, mapping and characterization, analysis of new phenotypes, high-throughput SNP data analysis, functional genomics, cytogenetics, genetic diversity of populations and breeds, genetic evaluation, applied and experimental selection, genomic selection and statistical methodologies for the genetic analysis of phenotypes.

All papers are indexed by PubMed Central immediately after acceptation and also by MEDLINE, Thomson Reuters (ISI), CAS, CAGI and Biosis.

GSE ranks 4th in the “Agriculture, Animal and Dairy Science” category (including 63 journals) and 51st in the "Genetics and Heredity" category (including 177 journals)of the Journal of Citation Reports.

Editorial Board

Didier Boichard, Editor in chief

INRAE Jouy-en-Josas, France

Jack Dekkers, Editor in chief

Iowa State University,USA

Hélène Hayes, Editor in chief

INRAE Jouy-en-Josas, France

Julius van der Werf, Editor in chief

University of New England, Australia

Associate Editors

Prof Paolo Ajmone Marsan

Università Cattolica del S. Cuore, Italy

Dr Jörn Bennewitz

University Hohenheim, Germany

Dr Henk Bovenhuis

Wageningen University, The Netherlands

Prof Armando Caballero

Universidad de Vigo, Spain

Dr Mario Calus

Wageningen UR Livestock Research, The Netherlands

Prof Rodolfo Cantet

University of Buenos Aires, Argentine

Dr Hans D Daetwyler

La Trobe University, Australia

Dr Andrea Doeschl-Wilson

The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, UK

Dr Vincent Ducrocq

French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environment, France

Dr Frederic Farnir

University of Liege, Belgium

Prof Martien Groenen

Wageningen University, Netherlands

Dr Bernt Guldbrandtsen

Bonn University, Germany

Prof Lusheng Huang

Jiangxi Agricultural University, China

Dr Christa Kuehn

Farm Animal Biology Dummerstorf, Germany

Dr Andres Legarra

French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environment, France

Dr Ricardo Pong-Wong

The Roslin Institute, United Kingdom

Dr Toni Reverter

CSIRO Agriculture & Food, Australia

Dr Bertand Servin

French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France 

Dr Tad Sonstegard

ARS Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, United States of America

Dr Ismo Strandén

Natural Resources Institute Finland, Finland

Dr Daniel Vaiman

INSERM, French National Institute for Agricultural Research, France

Dr Roger Vallejo

National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture, United States of America

Dr Marc Vandeputte

French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environment, France

Dr Alain Vignal

French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environment, France

Dr Martine Yerle-Bouissou

French National Institute for Agricultural, Food, and Environment, France

See also

To consult GSE (archives since 1969)

Modification date: 14 September 2023 | Publication date: 12 April 2010 | By: D. Boichard - Edition P. Huan - Translation H. Hayes