
Genetics and Aquaculture

Animation : Delphine Lallias et Florence Phocas

Expertises : Aquaculture ; Quantitative genetics ; Modeling ; Physiology ; Behaviour ; Selection ; Trout ; Seabass ; Seabream ; Carp ; Bee.

Overall activity   


Mixing genetics and physiology to obtain robust and efficient fish in various and fluctuating environments
Since 2016, we also work on the bee.


Outstanding results

  • Estimation of economic and environmental breeding values for selected traits
  • Genetic architecture of key traits for sustainable aquaculture: knowledge production and transfer to stakeholders.
  • Coordination of the European infrastructure project AQUAEXCEL2020

Scientific questions 

1-Genetic architecture of efficiency traits

We focus on efficiency traits that will improve the economic pillar of sustainable development but also environmental and societal pillars.

- Feed efficiency (Linked projects: H2020 Embric, PerformFish, AquaImpact.
- Disease resistance: genetic and functional bases of viral and bacterial disease resistance. (linked projects: H2020 Aqua-Faang ; FEAMP SG-Truite and Gènesea).
- Fatty acid profile in muscle (linked project: FEAMP OmegaTruite)
- Resource allocations: interactions between efficiency traits and functional traits (health, immunity, stress response, behaviour, reproduction …). Theme being developed.

2- Physiology and genetics of responses to environmental and rearing stress
We combine physiological, behavioral, genetic and epigenetic approaches to study responses to different stressors.
- Adaptation to new diets, especially plant-based diets. (linked projects: FUI Ninaqua, FEAMP AntiOb)
- Adaptation to temperature, environment sensitivity and epigenetics, genetic variability of epigenetic marks. (linked projects: H2020 AQUAEXCEL2020, FEAMP Epicool(.
- Long-term consequences of early events: consequences, including transgenerational, of exposition to thermal stress or pollutants. (linked projects: Sushifish, Ephemare, PlasticSeine)
- Genetic and environmental determinism of sex: genetics of spontaneous maleness (trout), identification of neo-males with genomic predictions ; links sexual phenotype–expression/modification of candidate genes or epigenetic marks (seabass). (linked projects: FEAMP Neobio, 3S, ERANet Sushifish, H2020 AQUAEXCEL2020)

3 – Management of selected populations:
- Genomic selection: interest and optimisation of genomic selection for different traits and different species (trout, seabass and seabream) (linked projects: FEAMP SG-Truite and GèneSea, two ‘CIFRE’ PhD)
- Modelling of breeding programs for bees: setting up efficient breeding programs to improve production (royal jelly, honey), bee behavior and health. (linked project: Beestrong)
- New technologies for reproduction: transplantation of stem cell and cryoconservation. (linked project : FEAMP Biogerm)
We are also still developing genomic ressources.

Research facilities

  • INRAE  experimental facilities: PEIMA (Sizun) and IERP (Jouy en Josas), Ifremer Palavas
  • Original genetic resources developed by the team.
  • Bioinformatics team of GABI,  Sigenae and genomics core facilities: GeT-Plage, @BRIDGe, Gentyane

Collaborations and partners 

  • Professionnal partners for fish and bee selection: SYSAAF (French syndicate of poultry and fish breeders), ITSAP- Institut de l’Abeille (bee institute), breeders
  • INRA scientists, specialists of biological functions (nutrition, physiology, immunology … )
  • Ifremer, CIRAD
  • Wageningen University, South Bohemia University (Czech Republic), Luke (Finland)

Doctoral schools : ABIES (Agriculture, Food, Science, Biology, Environment, Health)


See also

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Modification date: 10 October 2023 | Publication date: 09 February 2010 | By: P. Huan