HAYES Hélène

Hélène HAYES, Senior Research Scientist

Animal Cytogenetics - Executive editor of the journal Genetics Selection Evolution

INRAE, UMR 1313 Génétique Animale et Biologie Intégrative


Domaine de Vilvert, Bat 440, 78352 Jouy en Josas
Tel : +33 (0) 1 34 65 26 73 Fax : +33 (0) 1 34 65 24 78

Email : helene.hayes@inrae.fr

Research team: Bovine Genetics and Genomics (G2B)

CV :

Since 2011:
Deputy Head in charge of the operational organization of GABI

Since 2005 :
Scientific Editor of the INRA journal Genetics Selection Evolution specialised in the publication of research results in Genetics and Animal Selection (http://www.gsejournal.org/)

Researcher in Animal Cytogenetics of the team " From the phenotype to gene in cattle" then with the team "Bovine Genetics and Genomics", INRA Jouy-en-Josas

Research and dissertation : Cytogenetics Laboratory, INRA Jouy-en-Josas (Paul Popescu) and Laboratory for the Chromosomal Structure and Mutagenesis, Institut Curie (Bernard Dutrillaux)
Doctoral Dissertation: "Comparative caryotypic analysis and cytogenetic mapping in three main domestic bovine species : cattle (Bos taurus L.), sheep (Ovis aries L.) and goat (Capra hircus L.)"

Post-doctoral position (grant with the Fondation Takeda), Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Osaka University, Japan (Yoshio Okada) on "The Construction of monochromosomal somatic man X mouse hybrids"

Beneficiary of a grant from the French Ministry of Research and the Industry, Laboratory of Dairy Microbiology, INRA Jouy-en-Josas (Jean-Louis Bergère)
Dissertation Title: « Biochemical study of the Clostridium tyrobutyricum cell wall»

Fields of research :

Animal cytogenetics

Other activities :

Executive editor for the journal Genetics Selection Evolution

Publications and other recent productions

LELIEVRE J-M., LE BOURHIS D., BRETON A., HAYES H., SERVELY J-L., VIGNON X., 2010. Heat-induced and spontaneous expression of Hsp70.1 Luciferase transgene copies localized on Xp22 in female bovine cells. BMC Research Notes, 3, 17

VAN DEN BROEKE A., VAN POUCKE M., MARCOS-CARCAVILLA A., HUGOT K., HAYES H., BERTAUD M., VAN ZEVEREN A., PEELMAN L.J., 2010. Characterization of the ovine ribosomal protein SA gene and its pseudogenes. BMC Genomics, 11, 179.

MARCOS-CARCAVILLA A., CALVO J.H., GONZALES C., SERRANO C., MOAZAMI-GOUDARZI K., LAURENT P., BERTAUD M., HAYES H., BEATTIE A.E., LYAHYAI J., MARTIN-BURRIEL I., TORRES J.M., SERRANO M., 2008. Structural and functional analysis of the ovine laminin receptor gene (RPSA): possible involvement of the LRP/LR protein in scrapie response. Mamm Genome 19, 92-105.

CHANTRY-DARMON C., BERTAUD M., URIEN C., CHADI-TAOURIT S., PERROCHEAU M., ROGEL-GAILLARD C., HAYES H., 2005. Expanded comparative mapping between man and rabbit and detection of a new conserved segment between HSA22 and OCU4. Cytogenet Genome Res 111, 134-139.

Hayes H., ELDUQUE C., Gautier M., SCHIBLER L., CRIBIU E., Eggen A., 2003. Mapping of 195 genes in cattle, and updated comparative map with man, mouse, rat and pig. Cytogenet Genome Res 102, 16-24.

POPESCU P., HAYES H., DUTRILLAUX B., 2000. Techniques in Animal Cytogenetics. Springer/INRA dans la collection "Principles and Practice”.

Modification date: 10 October 2023 | Publication date: 06 May 2010 | By: H. Hayes - Edition P. Huan - W. Brand-Williams