Mathieu Tiret will defend his thesis

Mathieu Tiret will defend his thesis, 8 March at AgroParisTech

Multilocus Approach of the genome in population genetics models.

This presentation will take place on 8 march 2018 at 2:30 p.m.

Address of the defence: AgroParisTech, 16 rue Claude Bernard - PARIS 5ème - salle Amphithéâtre COLEOU


Population genetics is the study of the evolution of allelic frequencies within a population and the influence of evolutionary pressures on these frequencies. Within this field, one could develop population models and measures to explain and predict genetic data. However, as technologie evolves new types of data are available, and it becomes essential to develop new models and new measures to reflect these new genetic marker data, increasingly richer and denser thanks to the advent of new techniques such as the Next Generation Sequencing. To this end, we propose in this thesis to develop new measures with the so-called multilocus approach, which considers the genome as a whole rather than an agglomerate of independent loci. We first tried to build a theoretical basis for the multilocus approach in population genetics. Then, we illustrated this multilocus approach with the case studies of identity by descent, ancestral recombination graphs and autocorrelograms in population genetics models. Through these different studies, we tried to identify the main issues and questions that multilocus population genetics raises.

Modification date : 14 September 2023 | Publication date : 16 February 2018 | Redactor : Edition P.Huan