CRB-Anim Network

Biological Resources Center Network for Domesticated Animals

The objective of this project is to integrate and reinforce Biological Resources Centers (CRB) that conserve reproductive and genomic material for domesticated animals raised in France including mammals, birds, fish and crustaceans.

The CRB-Anim network involves both public research organisations (INRAE, CNRS), higher education institutions (Tours University, Rennes University, AgroParTech, National Veterinary Schools), a scientific foundation (FRB) and private platforms, the ANTAGENE company that house genomic collections for breeders. This national infrastructure includes six clusters located near Paris, Rennes, Tours and Lyon. These clusters conserve approximately 530000 biological samples (semen, embryos, cells, tissues, DNA, RNA). "These clusters are associated with research partners at IFREMER and INSERM, professional breeding organisations, animal insemination centers and national veterinary schools. The CRB-Anim has two priorities belonging to a national research and innovation strategy : (1) health, food and welfare and (2) environmental emergencies for the conservation of biodiversity. This project was presented to GABI on October 4 2011 by Michèle Tixier-Boichard who also responded to the call for infrastructure tenders of the investment program Avenir. It is one of the winning projects and will receive 11 million euros over an 8 year period.

This project answers two major stakes for science and the society : the erosion of biodiversity in particular of livestock species undergoing intensive selection and genomics that is leading to a new era for the understanding of the relationships between phenotype and genotype and valorising phenotype diversity associated with domestication of animals. Characterized biological samples and cryoconservation tools used in biological resources must be made available for research in the framework of this project.

Réseau de Centres de Ressources Biologiques pour les animaux domestiques
Réseau de Centres de Ressources Biologiques pour les animaux domestiques

Genomic (GADIE, CaniDNA, Labogena, Antagene) and reproductive (National Cryobank, CERREC) Biological Resource Centers will exchange their know-how, connect their data and develop synergies. The project involves animal genetics, molecular biology, physiology and reproduction biotechnologies competencies.

Technological developments (WP2) are aimed at improving biosecurity and biological sample quality on the long-term. The collections will be enriched and better assembled (WP3). Management of quality (WP4) will be organized with reference to the new standard NF S96-900."

A joint web-portal (WP4) will be developed to facilitate access by researchers and breeders to data and samples coming from the cluster infrastructures. The CTIG will house this web-portal. It will include the National Biodiversity Research Obersvatory cluster set-up by the FRB. The WP2, WP3 and WP4 will be mainly performed over a four year period during the building phase of the infrastructure. The advanced characterization (WP5) of the rules of distribution of samples and a joint method for the calculation of costs will be set-up during the functionning phase over a four year period. The training strategy (WP6) will cover the licence, master and doctoral levels as well as continuing education. Result valorization (WP7) will be focused on the support of the farming industry whose economic importance in France is approximately 26 billion euros, the development of animal models, protection of the diagnostic tests for genetic anomalies by patents and new procedures for cryoconservation.

The project leadership will be composed of a gouverning council (GC) which will work with a scientific council, a committee of partners and a committee of international experts. The GC will keep watch on the progression of the different steps involved in the improvement and reinforcing of the CRB network and they will examine candidacies of new CRB in order to extend the network. By improving the integration of the animal CRB in France and by optimizing their visibility, the CRB-Anim network will be in an appropriate position for initiating a similar initiative on the European scale.

For GABI, this project will allow updating of and improving our equipment and procedures belonging to both CRB GADIE and the ICE Platforms in order to 1) develop new methods for characterization, 2) improve security and 3) distribute biological samples. GABI's platforms will become more visible and more professional with improved clent service. The project also includes a partnership with the BDR unit concerning epigenetic modifications associated with cryoconservation of reproduction material.

Michèle Tixier-Boichard

See also