INRAE, UMR 1313 Génétique Animale et Biologie Intégrative
Domaine de Vilvert, Bat 211, 78352 Jouy en Josas
Tel : +33 (0) 1 34 65 29 53
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Leader of research Team Integrative Biology and Equine Genetics (BIGE)
Track record
My clinician background is strengthened with knowledge on integrative of biology in exercise physiology, quantitative genetics and genomics. My scientific career has taken atypical paths allowing an integrative biology approach of functional genomics in muscular exercise in order to progress in animal and human health.
• Outstanding Position (2013): Research Director, Team leader of Integrative Biology and Equine Genetics (BIGE), INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
• 2004-2013: Team leader of functional genomics in muscular exercise, Laboratory of Integrative Biology of Exercise Adaptations (UBIAE), Inserm U902, Genopole, Université d'Evry Val d’Essone, 91025 Evry, France.
• 1990-2004: Research Associate at the Animal Genetics Department (Station de Génétique Quantitative et Appliquée, Team of Equine genetics), INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
• 1987-90: PhD and Assistant in the Nutrition and Exercise Laboratory of the Veterinary School of Alfort (ENVA), France.
• 1987-90: PhD Thesis, ENSAM, Paris. 1st Price of the French Biomechanics Society.
• 1987: Doctor in Veterinary Medicine (DVM), Alfort Veterinary School (DVM)
Fields of Research
Since 2004 my main research objective was to study muscular functional genomics in normal, pathological or treated muscle. Genomic functional disorders in two equine myopathies PSSM and RER were explored using expression microarrays and data mining methods.
In 2011, a scientific breakthrough in mitochondrial crosstalk was the discovery of pre-microRNAs and mature miRNAs encoded by the nuclear genome localized in mitochondria of human myocytes and the in silico prediction of putative miRNA sequences and targets on mtDNA. The paper has been published in PlosOne 2011:
Barrey E, Saint-Auret G, Bonnamy B, Damas D, Boyer O, Gidrol X. (2011) Pre-microRNA and mature microRNA in human mitochondria.PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e20220.
The metrics today indicated more than 15000 views, 42 citations. The results of this paper were confirmed by several other papers and new regulation functions of several miRNA localized to mitochondrial has been discovered. Recently, two miRNAs encoded by the mitochondrial genome and derived from the 16S transcript were identified. Other putative miRNAs derived from mtDNA transcription are studied in our team.
Other Activites
Chaiman of international conferences:
• 2002-2006: Chairman of the 7th International conference on equine exercise physiology, ICEEP 7, Fontainebleau, France, 26-31 August 2006. Peer reviewed proceedings published in Equine Vet. Journal.
• 1996: Chairman of the 3rd International Workshop on Animal Locomotion (IWAL 3) and editor of the peer reviewed proceedings published in Equine Vet. Journal.
• 1998-2010: Member of the international scientific committee of the 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th International conference on equine exercise physiology in Japan, Kentucky (USA) and South Africa, respectively.
Innovation, transfer and consulting:
An original gait analysis systems based on body 3-dimensional acceleration measurements and softwares for automatic gait analysis has been developped at INRA in the 90's for phenotyping horses exercise ability (Equimetrix®). A technological transfer has been performed for human medical and sports applications (Locometrix®). Medical applications in neurology, rehabilitation, geriatrics, rheumatology, physiotherapy and sport medicine are used in hospitals, rehabilitation centres in Europe. Locometrix® is used in ongoing clinical trials in myology. Co-founder and scientific consultant of Centaure Metrix, a start-up company lauched in 2001.
• 2001: Procédé d’analyse d’irrégularité de locomotion humaine: French Patent N°FR 2804596; European Patent N°EP 1261279B1; Canada N° 2,399,182; Method for analyzing irregularities in human locomotion: USA Patent N° P 680 079 US0; Centaure Metrix SAS have the exclusive license of the patents since 2001. More than 140 units were sold in Europe.
• 1989: Plaque orthopédique de maréchalerie pour sabot de cheval . French Patent N°89 01233. Damping pads to reduce the high frequency shocks that distroy articular cartilages in equine athletes. 1st Price Biochance from Lille district. Exclusive license of the patent was used during 20 years by a French chemical company Saint Gobain SA. About one million damping pads were sold to prevent digital arthrosis in sport horses.
Book chapters:
Barrey E (2012). Chapter 21: Genetics and genomics of equine athletes, In Hinchcliff, Kaneps & Geor (Eds). Equine Sports and Surgery, Elsevier, Oxford (2nd edition).
Barrey E (2012). Chapter 12: Biomechanics of locomotion in athletic horse, In Hinchcliff, Kaneps & Geor (Eds). Equine Sports and Surgery, Elsevier, Oxford (2nd edition).
BARREY E., (2001). Inter-limb coordination. In BACK W., CLAYTON H. (Eds.), "Equine locomotion", 77-94, W.B. Saunders.
BARREY E., (2000). Métodos de analisis de la locomocion equina: uso de acelerometros. In RIVERO J.L.L., "Locomocion del caballo. Métodos de analisis. Evaluacion funcional. Diagnostico de cojeras", 15-80, Universidad de Cordoba, Servicio de Reprografia, Cordoba, Spain.
SAASTAMOINEN M.T., BARREY E. (2000). Genetics of conformation, locomotion and physiological traits. In BOWLING A.T., RUVINSKY A. (Eds.), "The genetics of the horse", 439-472, CAB International, Oxon, UK.
Omics and muscular exercise
Le Moyec L, Robert C, Triba MN, Billat VL, Mata X, Schibler L, Barrey E. Protein catabolism and high lipid metabolism associated with long-distance exercise are revealed by plasma NMR metabolomics in endurance horses. PLoS One. 2014 Mar 21;9(3):e90730. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0090730.eCollection 2014.
Desjardin C, Vaiman A, Mata X, Legendre R, Laubier J, Kennedy SP, Laloe D, Barrey E, Jacques C, Cribiu EP, Schibler L. Next-generation sequencing identifies equine cartilage and subchondral bone miRNAs and suggests their involvement in osteochondrosis physiopathology. BMC Genomics. 2014 Sep 17;15:798. doi: 10.1186/1471-2164-15-798.
Mille-Hamard L, Billat VL, Henry E, Bonnamy B, Joly F, Benech P, Barrey E. Skeletal muscle alterations and exercise performance decrease in erythropoietin-deficient mice: a comparative study. BMC Med Genomics. 2012 Jun 29;5:29. doi: 10.1186/1755-8794-5-29.
Barrey E, Saint-Auret G, Bonnamy B, Damas D, Boyer O, Gidrol X. (2011) Pre-microRNA and mature microRNA in human mitochondria. PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e20220.
Bandiera S, Barrey E, Ernoult-Lange M, Gidrol X, Henrion-Caude A, Huang L, Saint-Auret G, Weil D (all authors had the same contribution to this review) (2012). News - La mitochondrie : un nouvel acteur de la régulation par ARN interférence. Medecine/Sciences 28, 15-17. IF 0.64.
Barrey E, Jayr L, Mucher E, Gospodnetic S, Joly F, Benech P, Alibert O, Gidrol X, Mata X, Vaiman A, Guérin G (2011) Muscular transcriptomic analysis in horses suffering from recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis revealed energetic pathway alterations and disruption in the cytoplasmic calcium regulation. Animal Genetics (online: 27 SEP 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2011.02246.x) IF 2.203.
Barrey E, Bonnamy B, Barrey EJ, Mata X, Chaffaux S and Guerin G (2010) Muscular microRNA expressions in healthy and myopathic horses suffering from polysaccharide storage myopathy or recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis. Equine Vet. J. (2010) 42 (Suppl. 38) 303-310. IF 1.799; cited 3.
Capomaccio S, Cappelli K, Barrey E, Felicetti M, Silvestrelli M, Verini-Supplizi A. Microarray analysis after strenuous exercise in peripheral blood mononuclear cells of endurance horses. Anim Genet. 2010 Dec;41 Suppl 2:166-75. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2052.2010.02129.x.
Barrey E, Mucher E, Jeansoule N, Larcher T, Guigand L, Herszberg B, Chaffaux S, Guérin G, Mata X, Benech P, Canale M, Alibert O, Maltere P, Gidrol X (2009). Gene expression profiling in equine polysaccharide storage myopathy revealed inflammation, glycogenesis inhibition, hypoxia and mitochondrial dysfunctions. BMC Vet Res. Aug 7;5:29. PubMed Central PMCID:PMC2741442. IF 2.371; cited 7.
Barrey E, Mucher E, Robert C, Amiot F, Gidrol X (2006). Gene expression profiling in blood cells of endurance horses completing competition or disqualified due to metabolic disorder. Equine Vet J Suppl. 36: 43-9. IF ; IF 1.799; cited 17.
Mucher E, Jayr L, Rossignol F, Amiot F, Gidrol X, Barrey E (2006). Gene expression profiling in equine muscle tissues using mouse cDNA microarrays. Equine Vet J Suppl. 36: 359-64. IF 1.799; cited 8.
Integrative biology
López-Sanromán FJ, Holmbak-Petersen R, Santiago I, Gómez de Segura IA, Barrey E (2011). Gait analysis using 3D accelerometry in horses sedated with xylazine. Vet J Nov 12. IF 2.644.
Cottin F, Metayer N, Goachet Ag, Julliand V, Slawinski J, Billat V And Barrey E (2010). Oxygen consumption and gait variables of Arabian endurance horses measured during a field exercise test. Equine Vet J 42 (Suppl. 38) 1-5. IF 1.799.
Leprêtre PM, Metayer N, Giovagnoli G, Pagliei E, Barrey E (2009). Comparison of analyses of respiratory gases made with the K4b2 portable and Quark laboratory analysers in horses. Vet Rec 165(1):22-5. IF 1.482; cited 1.
Le Bris R, Billat V, Auvinet B, Chaleil D, Hamard L, Barrey E (2006). Effect of fatigue on stride pattern continuously measured by an accelerometric gait recorder in middle distance runners. J Sports Med Phys Fitness 46 (2): 227-31. IF 0.80; cited 6.
Leleu C, Bariller F, Cotrel C, Barrey E (2004). Reproducibility of a locomotor test for trotter horses. Vet J 168:160-6. IF 2.644; cited 4.
Leleu C, Gloria E, Renault G, Barrey E (2002). Analysis of trotter gait on the track by accelerometry and image analysis. Equine Vet J Suppl. 34: 344-8. IF 1.799; cited 1.
Innovation & transfer
Mignardot JB, Deschamps T, Barrey E, Auvinet B, Berrut G, Cornu C, Constans T, de Decker L. Gait disturbances as specific predictive markers of the first fall onset in elderly people: a two-year prospective observational study. Front Aging Neurosci. 2014 Feb 25;6:22. doi: 10.3389/fnagi.2014.00022. eCollection 2014.
Barthélémy I, Barrey E, Aguilar P, Uriarte A, Le Chevoir M, Thibaud JL, Voit T, Blot S, Hogrel JY. Longitudinal ambulatory measurements of gait abnormality in dystrophin-deficient dogs. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2011 Apr 13;12:75. doi: 10.1186/1471-2474-12-75.
Barthélémy I, Barrey E, Thibaud JL, Uriarte A, Voit T, Blot S, Hogrel JY. Gait analysis using accelerometry in dystrophin-deficient dogs. Neuromuscul Disord. 2009 Nov;19(11):788-96. doi: 10.1016/j.nmd.2009.07.014. Epub 2009 Oct 1.
López-Sanromán FJ, Holmbak-Petersen R, Santiago I, Gómez de Segura IA, Barrey E. Gait analysis using 3D accelerometry in horses sedated with xylazine. Vet J. 2012 Jul;193(1):212-6. doi: 10.1016/j.tvjl.2011.10.012. Epub 2011 Nov 13.
Auvinet B, Bileckot R, Alix AS, Chaleil D, Barrey E (2006) Gait disorders in patients with fibromyalgia. Joint Bone Spine. Oct;73(5):543-6. Epub 2006 Mar 15. IF 2.460; cited 15.
Paquet JM, Auvinet B, Chaleil D, Barrey E (2003) Analysis of gait disorders in Parkinson's disease assessed with an accelerometer. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2003 Sep;159(8-9):786-9. IF 0.61; cited 5.
Auvinet B, Berrut G, Touzard C, Moutel L, Collet N, Chaleil D, Barrey E (2002). Reference data for normal subjects obtained with an accelerometric device. Gait & Posture 16(2): 124-34. IF 2.936; cited 92.