Highlights in 2021

Highlights in 2021

Fourteen highlights in 2021 for the GABI unit.

Study of the impact of microRNA polymorphism on dairy traits

Contact: Fabienne Le-Provost et Gwenola Tosser-Klopp (GABI/ GenPhySE)
Reference : Bourdon C; LP Fabienne; Tosser, Gwenola ; Mignotte, Bernard ; Arranz Santos, Juan José; Gaspin, Christine ; Dalbiès-Tran, Rozenn ; Leroux, Christine. Recherche d’associations entre microARNs, variants génétiques et QTL laitiers chez les bovins, caprins et ovins [Internet]. 2021. Available from: http://www.theses.fr/2021UPASL020/document

Launch of an ANR collaborative research project entitled NANOMILK: "Nanoparticules métalliques polluantes dans le lait: transfert de la mère au petit et rôle des vésicules extracellulaires".

Contact : Anne Burtey
Reference : Burtey, A., Wagner, M., Hodneland, E., Skaftnesmo, K.O., Schoelermann, J., Mondragon, I.R., Espedal, H., Golebiewska, A., Niclou, S.P., Bjerkvig, R., Kögel, T., Gerdes, H.-H., 2015. Intercellular transfer of transferrin receptor by a contact-, Rab8-dependent mechanism involving tunneling nanotubes. The FASEB Journal 29, 4695–4712.

The complex intra-familial relationships of Prion family proteins

Contact : Johan Castille, Bruno Passet 
Refrence : Castille J, Passet B, Makhzami S, Vilotte M, Moazami-Goudarzi K, Truchet S, Daniel-Carlier N, Gaillard AL, Andréoletti O, Vaiman D, Beauvallet C, Vaiman A, Floriot S, Calvel P, Mouillet-Richard S, Duchesne A, Béringue V, Vilotte JL. Co-invalidation of Prnp and Sprn in FVB/N mice affects reproductive performances and highlight complex biological relationship between PrP and Shadoo. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2021 Apr 30;551:1-6. doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc.2021.03.013.

Webinaire IA &  Animal Genetics

Contact : Florence JAFFREZIC
Reference : https://webinaire-ia.journees.inrae.fr/ 

Introducing a young audience to data science ... and scientific proofreading!

Contact : Andrea Rau
Reference : A. Rau (2021) Cooking Up Knowledge From Big Data Using Data Science. Frontiers for Young Minds, 9:632923. doi: 10.3389/frym.2021.632923

Organization of an online conference « Microgenomics 2021 Webinar series »

Contact : Claudia Bevilacqua
Reference : https://microgenomics.symposium.inrae.fr/ , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LB5Cm9beoE&t=21s  

Labellisation of the UMT eBIS associating INRAE, IDELE and ALLICE

Contact : Didier Boichard 

Y chromosome variability in cattle

Contact : Aurélien Capitan 
Reference : Escouflaire C, Capitan A. 2021. Analysis of pedigree data and whole-genome sequences in 12 cattle breeds reveals extremely low within-breed Y-chromosome diversity. Anim Genet. 52, 725-729.  https://doi.org/10.1111/age.13104

What factors affect the productive life span of dairy cattle?

Contact : Vincent Ducrocq 
Reference : Rostellato R, Promp J, Leclerc H, Mattalia S, Friggens NC, Boichard D, Ducrocq V. 2021. Influence of production, reproduction, morphology and health traits on true and functional longevity in French dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci, https://doi.org/104%2010.3168/jds.2020-19974

Mutation responsible for the "Milca" phenotype in the Montbéliarde breed

Contact : Sandrine Floriot, Mekki Boussaha 
Reference : Floriot S, Duchesne D, Grohs C, Hozé C, Deloche MC, Fayolle G, Vilotte JL, Boichard D, Fritz S,  Boussaha M. 2021. A missense mutation in the FZD7 gene is associated with dilution of the red areas of the coat in Montbéliarde cattle. Anim Genet. 52, 351-355. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/age.13055

Development of a method to study feed efficiency dynamically, taking into account continuous biological changes during lactation

Contact : Pauline Martin 
Reference : Martin P, Ducrocq V, Gordo DGM and Friggens NC 2021. A new method to estimate residual feed intake in dairy cattle using time series data. Animal 15, 100101. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2020.100101

Between positive and negative impacts, the complex effects of inbreeding on rainbow trout reproduction

Contact : Florence Phocas
Reference : D'Ambrosio, J., Phocas, F., Haffray, P., Bestin, A., Brard-Fudulea, S., Poncet, C., Quillet, E., Dechamp, N., Fraslin, C., Charles, M., Dupont Nivet, M. (2019). Genome-wide estimates of genetic diversity, inbreeding and effective size of experimental and commercial rainbow trout lines undergoing selective breeding. Genetics Selection Evolution, 51 (1).  doi: 10.1186/s12711-019-0468-4

Paul, K., D'Ambrosio, J., Phocas, F. (2021). Temporal and region-specific variations in genome-wide inbreeding effects on female size and reproduction traits of rainbow trout. Evolutionary Applications, special issue original article, doi.org/10.1111/eva.13308

Paul K., D’Ambrosio J., Phocas F. (2020). Effets de la consanguinité et de la dominance sur les caractères de reproduction femelle chez la truite arc-en-ciel. 3èmes Journées Techniques du Sysaaf, web conference, 8-9 decembre 2020 [Communication orale]

Paul K., D’Ambrosio J., Phocas F. (2021). Old and recent inbreeding effects on female size and reproduction traits in a rainbow trout selected line.  6th international symposium on Genomics In Aquaculture, web conference, 5-7 may 2021 [Communication orale]

Paul K., D’Ambrosio J., Phocas F. (2021). Molecular inbreeding and genetic load for female reproduction traits in a rainbow trout selected line. Aquaculture Europe 2020, web conference, 12-15 april 2021 [Communication orale]

Analysis of the genetic determinism of mineral concentration in cow's milk

Contact : Marie-Pierre Sanchez
Référence : Sanchez M.P., Rocha D., Charles M., Boussaha M., Hozé C., Brochard M., Delacroix-Buchet A., Grosperrin P., Boichard D. Sequence-based GWAS and post-GWAS analyses reveal a key role of SLC37A1 and ANKH genes and gene regulatory regions on bovine milk minerals. Scientific Reports, 11, 7537. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-87078-1

Impact of the "Blonde d'Aquitaine" myostatin mutation on beef traits in cattle

Contact : Aurélie Vinet
Reference : Vinet A, Bouyer C, Forestier L, Oulmouden A, Blanquet V, Picard B, Cassar-Malek I, Bonnet M, Rocha D, Renand G. 2021. The Blonde d’Aquitaine T3811>G3811 mutation in the myostatin gene: association with growth, carcass, and muscle phenotypes in veal calves. J Anim Sci. 99, skab039. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab039