@ http://agriculture.gouv.fr
The agricultural "Varenne de l’eau" and adaptation to climate change

What contribution can genetic selection make for the adaptation of agriculture to climate change?

Adapting and protecting agriculture faced with the challenges of climate change is a group reflection carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food within the framework of the Varenne agricole de l'eau and adaptation to climate change. The reports and conclusions from the different working groups as well as the contribution of Animal Genetics to improve animale resilience to clmate change are available!

Launched in May 2021, the agricultural "Varenne de l'eau et adaptation au changement climatique" is aimed at identifying real solutions and establishing an operational road map. The objective is to be equipped with the tools necessary for adaptation and protection of farmers faced with climate change risks, in addition to the first actions developed as part of the agricultural component of the French Recovery Plan.

In order for the "Varenne de l'eau et adaptation au changement climatique" to be a success, three working groups were constituted on the following topics:

  1. Acquiring tools that anticipate and protect farmers as part of the global policy for the management of climate risks.
  2. Strengthening the resilience of agriculture in a global approach  by acting in particular on soils, varieties, cultivation and breeding practices, agroecological infrastructures and water irrigation efficiency.
  3. To reach a shared and reasoned vision of access to water resources that can be mobilized for agriculture on the long term.
  4. The contribution of animal genetics to improve resilience of animals faced with climate change fits into the work of the second topic.

A one-day seminar launched the reflexions and three thematic conferences presented the work of theme 2 with a focus on the challenges of genetics for climate change:

  • Feedback from the sector and stakeholders on this adaptation lever
  • The challenges of genetics for adaptation to climate change
  • The improvement of plant species over the last 20 years and the programs currently underway: a plant breeder's point of view
  • Taking into account climate change in the seeds and plants for a Sustainable Agriculture plan.
  • Improvement of animal species over the last 20 years and current research programmes
  • How to choose a genetic profile (variety/breed/seeds) adapted to climate, culture and breeding conditions?
  • Contribution of biotechnologies on plant selection to cope with climate change

The talks were recorded and are available here :

The closing of the "Varenne de l'eau et adaptation au changement climatique" took place on February 1st, 2022, live on the Ministry of Agriculture's twitter account (@agri_gouv).

Contact :

  • Jean-Pierre Bidanel,
  • Mickaël Brochard