GABI: Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology unit
JDS « Editor’s Choice » Publication

A G2B team publication selected as the « Editor’s Choice » by the Editor-in-Chief of JDS

The article, "Opportunities for genomic selection of cheese-making traits in Montbéliarde cows" published in the June issue of the Journal of Dairy Science was selected by the journal's Editor-in-Chief, Paul Kononoff, as the "Editor's Choice". The article will be placed on the home page of the journal for a month and will then join the "Editor's Choice" collection.

This study evaluates the selection potential of cheese-making aptitudes of milk, routinely predicted using Middle-InfraRed spectroscopy, in the Montbeliarde bovine dairy breed.

Precise genomic values were obtained for these traits in particular for cheese-making yields and coagulation parameters using the "single step" approach that combines all the information provided by the phenotypes, genotypes and genealogy of the animals.

Different models were tested and those that led to the most precise and less biased results were identified. The genomic prediction equations were then applied to the genotypes of Montbeliarde bulls and cows and revealed a favorable genetic evolution for cheese-making traits during the last decade.

Importantly this study showed that adding cheese-making traits into selection objectives could be a more efficient means to improve these traits with a limited impact on other  traits currently selected for in the Montbeliard breed. The work published in this article led to the development of genomic evaluation on cheese-making aptitudes for the Montbeliard breed.


Sanchez MP, Tribout T, Fritz S, Wolf V, Laithier C, Brochard M, Boichard D. 2022. Opportunities for genomic selection of cheese-making traits in Montbéliarde cows. J. Dairy Sci.

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