INRAE and LABÉO partnership

Equine research: INRAE and LABÉO strengthen their partnership

On July 13, the LABEO Frank Duncombe Laboratory and INRAE in Caen signed a framework partnership agreement for research on equine genetics and health, and more generally on animal health and the environment. The Integrative Biology and Equine Genetics team (UMR GABI, INRAE Jouy) will develop its research projects within this framework, notably on equine influenza, genomic selection and "coup de sang" (myopathy) in racehorses. This collaboration will take on an international dimension from May 12 to 15, 2024, when the two laboratories will organize the 14th International Havemeyer Horse Genome Workshop, bringing together some 100 scientists at the Château de Caen.

INRAE and LABÉO study production diseases1 of farm animals and zoonoses, to improve animal and human health and animal welfare. Over the years, the two establishments have developed solid and fruitful collaborations, notably on equine diseases, animal genetics and the monitoring of environmental contamination.

A common desire to strengthen this partnership and the collaborative dynamic around shared priorities

LABÉO and INRAE have structured their cooperation around three areas of activity:

  • research, development and innovation,
  • expertise and support for public policy,
  • training through research, and knowledge transfer and dissemination.

In conjunction with Carnot France Futur Elevage, they are strengthening their scientific and technical collaboration to respond more effectively to the challenges of public health and animal health in support of the livestock industry.

By mobilizing various levers, including genomics and genetics, the aim is to develop new screening and diagnostic tools useful for the application of national and European policies within the framework of exchanges of sport or production animals between countries, and to develop methods for the prevention and control of equine diseases, by mobilizing breeding practices and genetic improvement.

1 Production diseases are multifactorial diseases, infectious or not, which affect the health and well-being of animals, and limit their productivity and that of their farms.

See also

14eme International Havemeyer Horse Genome Workshop