INRAE 2022 open competition

INRAE 2022 open competition: GABI is recruiting Junior Research Scientist in statistical learning and artificial intelligence

PhD (or equivalent) degree in Biostatistics / Applied Mathematics / Artificial Intelligence, with excellent training in statistical learning and data science, a strong interest in modeling biological data, as well as very good programming skills (R / Python) : Apply to become a researcher !

You will join the INRAE mixed research unit Animal Genetics and Integrative Biology (GABI, 130 permanent staff members, GA Division, “Animal Genetics”), whose research aims to understand and exploit the genetic variability of domestic animals in a context of agroecological transition. Within this unit, you will join the GiBBS "Genomics, Biodiversity, Bioinformatics, Statistics" team, in which several researchers specialize in the analysis of complex and heterogeneous “omics” data. To develop your research project, you will share your time between this team and the SOLsTIS “Statistical modeling and Learning for environmenT and lIfe Sciences” team in the MIA-Paris mixed research unit (Mathematics and Applied Computer Science-Paris, 32 permanent staff members) in the MATHNUM (Mathematics and Digital Science) division, also located on the Saclay site. The research of MIA-Paris aims to develop advanced statistical and computer science methods for specific problems in the life sciences. The SOLsTIS team includes several researchers who are experts in statistical learning algorithms, including artificial intelligence.

Your primary research activity will be to carry out methodological developments in data science, artificial intelligence and statistical learning for the genetic and genomic analysis of traits linked to the agroecological transition of breeding farms and their adaptation to climate change (resilience, animal welfare and adaptation, reduction of environmental impact) and the value of genetic diversity. You will benefit from the scientific environment and the support of the statisticians of the two teams GIBBS and SOLsTIS, and will thus strengthen their common research dynamic, organized in particular around the analysis of heterogeneous and large-scale data with a view to a better understanding and characterization of domestic animal phenotypes.

You will design new methods or improve existing approaches for integrating heterogeneous data (multi-omics, high-throughput and continuously collected measurements, images, captor recordings, geolocation data). You will work in complementarity with GiBBS scientists, who have expertise in multivariate analysis and network inference, and SOLsTIS scientists, who will bring their skills for artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms. You will be involved upon arrival in two projects related to animal welfare and animal adaptation to different environments. You will interact with geneticists from the GABI Unit and the GA department for statistical and data science aspects during the design and development of research projects, and for the interpretation of their results.

In line with INRAE guidelines for Open Science, you will promote your research work to the scientific community through publications and create R / Python packages in order to allow a wide distribution of the developed methods. You will have access to the computing clusters of the INRAE sites in Jouy-en-Josas and Toulouse (Migale, Genotoul).
You will rely on the existing network of collaborations established by the GiBBS and SOLsTIS teams and expand it at different levels: local, national, and international. You will intervene in training (masters, research schools) and supervision of interns and doctoral students.

Your webinar appointment

  • You want to apply for an open competition, but you’re hesitating?
  • You want to know more about INRAE, your host team and your future missions?
  • We are hosting a webinar to answer your questions:

On 17/02/2022 at 14:00 (Paris time)

Link : 

See also


INRAE is recruiting