FarmGenomic Consortium on the genomic diversity in chickens

A new consortium on genetic diversity of chickens: Large scale genomics to decipher the origins and adaptations of chickens

The FarmGenomic project is aimed at exploring "How the high-throughput genomic era can be used to answer our questions on the evolution of chickens?".

The chicken remains a major model organism in many fields of research, as well as a major source of proteins for human consumption.

The publication of the fourth report on the Chicken genome, by the journal Cytogenetic and Genome Research "Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022" presents many advancements that have occured over the last seven years on the genomic resource, sequencing technology, cytogenetic knowledge and data levels in this species. It also includes the impact of research on the chicken in a much more global perspective, concerning food security and climate change. It presents the efforts of international consortia, such as the Chicken Diversity Consortium.

Financed by the call-for-projects of the SuperMUC computing cluster at Leibniz-Rechenzentrum in Germany, this new scientific consortium inlcudes about twenty members from ten European, North American and African institutions working in different fields, notably genomics, paleogenetics, breeding, immunology, organism biology, evotionary biology and archeology. The objectives of the FARMGENOMIC consortium are numerous and varied, reflecting the diverse interests of the groups involved.

The specific scientific objectives are the following:

1. Inbreeding and deleterious alleles

2. Structural Variants.

3. Genetic determinism of important phenotypes.

4. Distribution of the existing genetic diversity on the species scale.

5. The history of the evolution of the species, including both wild and domestic.

6. The evolution and adaptation of the immune system.

The results from these research themes will be included in publications by different consortium members depending on their expertise. At the beginning, the consortium will be as inclusive as possible, therefore, the studies indicated above are neither exhaustive nor limited to current members of the consortium. The consortium welcomes all contributions from the groups interested in making the best use of this genetic resource.

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See also

Smith J, Alfieri J, M, Anthony N, Arensburger P, Athrey G, Balacco J, Balic A, Bardou P, Barela P, Bigot Y, Blackmon H, Borodin P, M, Carroll R, Casono M, C, Charles M, Cheng H, Chiodi M, Cigan L, Coghill L, M, Crooijmans R, Das N, Davey S, Davidian A, Degalez F, Dekkers J, M, Derks M, Diack A, B, Djikeng A, Drechsler Y, Dyomin A, Fedrigo O, Fiddaman S, R, Formenti G, Frantz L, A, F, Fulton J, E, Gaginskaya E, Galkina S, Gallardo R, A, Geibel J, Gheyas A, A, Godinez C, J, P, Goodell A, Graves J, A, M, Griffin D, K, Haase B, Han J, -L, Hanotte O, Henderson L, J, Hou Z, -C, Howe K, Huynh L, Ilatsia E, Jarvis E, D, Johnson S, M, Kaufman J, Kelly T, Kemp S, Kern C, Keroack J, H, Klopp C, Lagarrigue S, Lamont S, J, Lange M, Lanke A, Larkin D, M, Larson G, Layos J, K, N, Lebrasseur O, Malinovskaya L, P, Martin R, J, Martin Cerezo M, L, Mason A, S, McCarthy F, M, McGrew M, J, Mountcastle J, Muhonja C, K, Muir W, Muret K, Murphy T, Ng’ang’a I, Nishibori M, O’Connor R, E, Ogugo M, Okimoto R, Ouko O, Patel H, R, Perini F, Pigozzi M, I, Potter K, C, Price P, D, Reimer C, Rice E, S, Rocos N, Rogers T, F, Saelao P, Schauer J, Schnabel R, D, Schneider V, Simianer H, Smith A, Stevens M, P, Stiers K, Tiambo C, K, Tixier-Boichard M, Torgasheva A, A, Tracey A, Tregaskes C, A, Vervelde L, Wang Y, Warren W, C, Waters P, D, Webb D, Weigend S, Wolc A, Wright A, E, Wright D, Wu Z, Yamagata M, Yang C, Yin Z, -T, Young M, Zhang G, Zhao B, Zhou H: Fourth Report on Chicken Genes and Chromosomes 2022. Cytogenet Genome Res 2023. doi: 10.1159/000529376