Ekaterina Tomilina, a finalist at the "My thesis in 180 seconds" at the University Paris-Saclay.

Ekaterina Tomilina, a doctoral student at MaIAGE and GABI a finalist of the competition "My thesis in 180 seconds" at the University Paris-Saclay.

Her PhD project englobes a research project at the interface of different fields of study, since it is applied to a current biological question raised at INRAE concerning bull fertility. Her presentation was focused on copula methods for network inference of multi-omics regulation.

Dissertation abstract:

Today, few methods allow modeling of these different types. A major problem is the heterogeneity of data. Some can be easily modeled with Gaussian Laws (transcriptomics data by DNA arrays), others are known but non-gaussian (epigenomics data from methylation profiling arrays), and still others are discrete (transcriptomic and epigenomic data by sequencing, genotyping). However, mathematical and statistical models depend strongly on the type of data; this is the reason for which the models proposed up to now have mainly been done for each type of data independently.

In this PhD study, we will propose a conjoint model for multiomics data based on the theory of copula methods. These allow the modeling of interactions between random variables of different nature and are therefore well adapted to our objectives. Several methodological challenges will be studied in order to broaden this inference method to multiomic regulation networks. The modeling proposed will be applied to biological problems studied at INRAE, and in particular those raised by the Animal Genetics Division of INRAE.

Confinanced PhD study
Start of the project: October 2022
Hosting Unit: UR 1404 MaIAGE (Mathematics and Informatics Applied to the Genome and the Environment)
INRAE Research Center: Jouy-en-Josas
University: University Paris Saclay
Doctoral School: EDMH Doctoral School
Discipline / Specialty: Mathematics of interfaces
PhD supervisors: Gildas MAZO (INRAE, MaIAGE), Florence JAFFREZIC (INRAE, GABI)
Financing : DIGIT-BIO Metaprogramme/ EDMH Doctoral School
Metaprogramme Fields of Research: field 1 (Multiscale decrypting of living functions: regulations and integration)

Contact :

  • Ekaterina Tomilina (UR MaIAGE)