AquaIMPACT : Genomic and Nutritional Innovations for Genetically Superior Farmed Fish.

AquaIMPACT is a new Horizon 2020 project coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke), which integrates breeding and nutrition of fish in order to increase European aquaculture competitiveness of Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout, royal sea bream and European sea bass.

The objective is to guarantee food and nutritional security and to satisfy consumers' requests for sea products of high quality with a limited impact on the environment. These four species represent alone 75% of the volume and 89% of the total production of farmed fish in Europe. The project will allow conceiving foods according to new results from selection programs of several species and will provide advanced genomics tools along with new performance prediction methods and composition of fish. AquaIMPACT will provide and implement a new selective reproductive methodology and it will provide new nutritional protocoles for genetically superior fish from selection programmes. Genomic selection technology is particularly adapted to an improvement of traits such as disease resistance, quality and transformation. The solutions developed will produce more robust farmed fish, that are more healthy, have higher nutritional value and are more economic in terms of resources, promoting bioeconomic industrial practices in closed circuits, fish welfare, zero waste and more efficient use of natural resources. These actions, assoicated with communication actions, will help the consumer make sustainable and healthy food choices.

Financing: CE H2020
Programme: EU call on Breed and Feed in Aquaculture (Innovative Action; H2020-BG-2018-2020; Blue Growth)

Topic(s): INFRAIA-1-2014-2015 - Integrating and opening existing national and regional research infrastructures of European interest

Period: 1 November 2018 - 1 October 2022

Coordination : Wageningen Livestock Research Wageningen Plant Research

Consortium including 21 partners:
Luonnonvarakeskus (Finland), Syndicat des selectionneurs avicoles et aquacoles francais (France), Ferme marine du Douhet SAS (France), Akvaforsk genetics center AS (Norway), Inve technologies NV (Belgium), Skretting aquaculture research centre AS (Norway), Marine harvest Norway AS (Norway), Sparos LDA (Portugal), Societe civile d'exploitation agricole les sources de l'avance (France), Dorset identification BV (Netherlands), Savon taimen OY (Finland), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain), Agencia estatal consejo superior de investigaciones cientificas (Spain), Institut national de la recherche agronomique (France), Institut francais de recherche pour l'exploitation de la mer (France), Nofima AS (Norway), University of Edinburgh (UK), University of Stirling (UK), Universita degli studi dell'insubria (Italy), Centre national de la recherche scientifique CNRS (France).

Scientific Leader: Marc Vandeputte (UMR GABI, Equipe GenAqua) -