INRAE @Sophie Pollet
A new molecular genotyping test for selection of sports poneys breeders

A new molecular genotyping test for selection of sports poneys breeders

Scientists from the "Integrative Biology and Equine Genetics Teams" (BIGE) at GABI have developed a 3-SNP genotyping test that explains in part, the variance of the wither size in a population of French Saddle Poneys. This new molecular genotyping test will allow the optimization of selection of reproducers and the management of reasoned couplings.

Sports poneys are often the result of crossbreeding between poneys and sports horses. These crossbreedings are traditionnally done in a very intuitive manner but even though this practice improves the ability to jump obstacles, it also makes the maximal wither height very random for which a limitation is set at 1m48 for unshod and 1m49 for shod ponies.

In order to opitimize sports poney production by selection of breeders, the BIGE team developed a genotyping quantitative PCR test focused on three SNP that explain a large part of the variance in wither size in French saddle ponies. They performed a first genomic study on size in the French saddle ponies and showed that the genotyping of a group of 48 poneys for which size is fixed by regulation below 149 cm is 82,9% homozygous on three of the identified SNP.

This genotyping test makes selection of breeding animals easier and as a consequent the development of reasoned crossbreeding in order to respect the size sought for in production of sports ponies. This molecular test is easy to do, at a low cost and only slightly invasive (blood test). A transfer of the license for know-how use has been opened with INRAE Transfert.

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