@GIS Avenir Elevage
Gis Avenir Elevage Seminar

The Gis Avenir Elevage is organizing a seminar on the new genetic tools

15 November 2021

Maison du Lait, Paris

The GIS Avenir Elevages and its partners invite you to their seminar "Crossed perspectives on targeted genome modifications applied to farm animals". During this seminar, organized for livestock professionals, genetic tools under different angles: technique, regulations and sociology. The GIS Avenir-Elevages will present the results from a sociological studied carried out in order to collect the positions of the various stakeholders.

The use of targeted modifications of the genome in breeding has increased rapidly in the fields of fundamental research and medicine (gene therapy). These techniques provide numerous possibilities for applications in agriculture and breeding but their use remains controversal in Europe. The products obtained by these techniques are today considered as GMO in Europe, such that the subject has not been debated much publicly and the positions of the actors of the animal genetics sector remain poorly known. This is the motivation for the work done by the GIS.

The different talks during the seminar will present the targeted modifications of the genome in their scientific, regulatory and societal context. The GIS Avenir-Elevages will present results from a sociological study on the perception of New Genetic Technologies and their potential applications in animal breeding. A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted in order to gather the points of view of the different stakeholders: the actors of the genetic sector, breeding sector, scientists from different disciplines, representatives from the civil society, citizen associations, mass retailing and public authorities.

Two round-table discussions will conclude the seminar, one will give professionals from the sectors a chance to debate and the other involving the speakers who will discuss the possibility of using plant and animal biotechnologies in production and research.

For more information:

To keep updated on news from the New Genetic Technologies working group:

Contact :
Raphaëlle Duclos, raphaelle.duclos@inrae.fr
Jean-Pierre Bidanel, jean-pierre.bidanel@inrae.fr

Contact: changeMe@inrae.fr